Guards Up

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      My blood is just boiling at the extend of how careless Mery and Mable were. I mean like, how could they not told me about the wolves approaching the coven border all these months. What did they thought the god damn treaty was for. Just to look pretty in a desk somewhere. NO! It was to garented that I will always be there for them. Day or night. I will come running for them. Yet they let it go so far that a child. A fucking child. Had to be in immediate  danger for them to get it through their fucking head. What would they have done if their attempt was to harm her? To send a fucking message or something! Fuck! I can't even image it. Whatever. I will fix this.
      Now Travis and I took the charge to go searching their trails. We took off into the north side where their seen the most at. We had just made it to the border. Three guards are posted there.
      "Whom has be here the longest to report what has happen in the last few months for us?" I ask them. They look at each other before one kneels down and come off the wall to the ground.
      "This is my main post. I normally switch after a couple of hours. But once the wolves showed up more. I began to work longer shift. I'm the third posted here tonight." He explains.
      He went on to tell us his report. He has been keeping track of how many wolfs been showing up. What time and how far they try to close in. He say at first it was just noises they heard from a distant. And when some members make a travel along the woods. They would notices some paw tracks. And strange of animal noises at night. No one thought nothing at first. But then it was a pattern. After awhile the tracks showed up more. The nosies rattle along the trees by our entrances. Soon guards will see glowing eyes from a far. They took protocol at action. This happen four times with no more than 4 wolfs at sight.
      He said he believe we won't inform because they had stop soon after. There was no sign of them anymore. They figure it might of been some rouges whom was lost or something. But then the tracks started up again. Pile of litter and claw marks are soon near by. Nosies increase all around. Faint howling can be heard during postings. And once they are close enough. A clutter of glowing eyes are seen. Their scatter around. All the guard take it to the walkie talkies. Taking defenses to hold them back.
      They thought they would leave after a time but it didn't work. He was the few who attended a meeting with Mery and Mable. They spoke about the wolves and new safety matters. Nothing big at first. He said the council was inform of the issues and was told for them to stay guarded. To not take abroach unless they do. They suggested if needed to call for extra third degrees from other covens. That never happen of course. This was when hours were taken longer.
      Numbers increase again. Everyone began to get anxious. Mery reapeatly inform everyone to keep doing what their doing. To not take action. The last thing they need was a warfare between witches and werewolfs right now. So Mable offer and gate outdoors. Some second degrees took to work to build up small stakes to the ground. Spreaded out so if they try to come close. Their paws will get injured.
      And begining last week after the girl was founded. They made sure to pour wolfbane on the stakes before night time. Hoping the smell of it being boiled down will keep them away.
      I went to ask him about the girl. He said he was not working during the time. The sun was just taking its set. And from what he had heard. The girl was only 10 and heard growling near by. She took froth to the nosies mistaking it as a something else. Once she realize what it was. The wolf seem to frighten the girl and she ran into a sticky bush. She said her injuries did not come from any attack. Just her flight action. The girl was fine. But this lead to a higher safety protocol now.
      "Why haven't y'all put up a wall? Any form will keep them away. We can split the woods if needed too. Has no one thought of shielding up during any of this?" I ask.
      "A few of us have ms. Luna. Many times." He protested.
      "So why hasn't one been place?" Travis claim. He places his hands on my shoulders. Making sure I stay clam.
      "Every time it is brought up to sister Meredith. She denies the request."
      My brows arch high from this. This didn't make sense.
      "But why?" Both Travis and I say.
      "No one knows. She says it hasn't gotten to that point yet. Thats why we have more more guards due to the numbers." He shrugs heavily.
      "Okay thank you." I sigh. I hold any rage. This wasn't in him anyways. "You have done great." He bows to us and head back to his post.
      With this information settling in. Both Travis and I headed out into the woods to begin our search. It was still light out so we did not expect to run into them yet. Malcolm holds back until night time. In the mean while. Travis and I walk through the grounds to aspect every inch of the woods.
      A few hours gone by and the sun will set soon. All we were able to find was everything the guard has already inform us about. The trails are scattered all over the woods. Almost a nest was being made. I was concern that if this could be rougues. They may take host here. And that will be huge problem. We don't know how many they could be. Where are they during the day anyways? Why here?
      "No baby. They wouldn't travel in large groups." Travis tells me. This didn't help my knots in my stomach.
      We try rumbling through anything that may look like a wolf has settle here. We couldn't have them getting comfortable. The claw marks are harder to hide. Some are painted in trees. As if these wolfs plan on coming back. Some marks look old. While others are fresh. All of this goes down so far. And so many to keep track off. We make a whole round of the community only to come back to the north side now.
      "Could it the pack on the other side of river?" I wonder.
      "It would make sense. Would they have reason to do so though?" Travis ask.
      I shrug my shoulders. Trying not to think what happen last time Luminis was attack. "I don't know. Lets keep look. Get ready to shift in a hour and half Malcolm."
      After a few more looking around the preimeter. We stop to rest. We hadn't ate since before the meeting. And we are too far from the coven. Plus my body can't walk right now. Their jelly.
      "Take a seat little witch. You seem a bit weary."
      I sigh deeply as a lean agaist a tree and slid my body down to the ground. Throwing my head back, I close my eyes. Hearing plastic I open them up to see Travis holding a granola bar at me.
      "You had this the whole time?" Raising a suspicious brow at him.
      "I had two. I figure after the meeting. We never know how our day may go. We usually lose track of time here. So before we left the cabin I put some in my pocket."
      I place one hand on his cheek. "Thank you."
      He grabs my hand and kisses the palm. "Eat. And if you need more. I'm pumping thick veins of blood for you my queen." He smirk.
      I chuckle at his request. We lay down and ate. Travis had two bars. I had one and then drank an half a pint of his sweet, warm cinnamon blood. Regaining all the energy we both needed to make it through the night. I lean my body on my mate. He holds me tight as we watch the color of the sky darken.
      "Are we gonna talk about what happen earlier?" He whispers into my ear.
      "What? Like the meeting or the idiotic choice Mery made to hiding this mess?" I sound more annoy then I claim to be. Because honesty. I'm fucking piss.
      "Both really."
      "Well for the meeting. I happy. More than happy. I just hated how brother Mick tried to make me out to be something. But I'm glad we have the elders on our side."
      "I'm proud of you Elizabeth. You have done such an amazing job. And for that asshole. He 's lucky I couldn't get my hands on him." You hear him griding his teeth.
      I chuckle and hold his cute face. "Thank you boys for being my rock. I couldn't do it without you. If I didn't have you. I wouldn't even have this meeting." He leans in to kiss my lips. Making my belly rumble in butterflies.
      "Now you want to talk about your family?" He says as our lips part apart.
      "Mhh no." I say as I peck his lips.
      "Elizabeth baby?"
      I ignore him as I play with his bread. I try to braid it. But it wasn't long enough. He grew tires and grips my wrist. Making me scold at him. I yank my arm away. Getting out if his lap and off the ground.
      "What is there to say but them being so, so. Ugh I don't want to say it." I mumbble.
      "I get it. I really do." He says.
      I turn to face him. "Then why ask if you already understood."
      "Because I can tell theres something else bothering you. You would never get so mad at them. You usually hold your composer with them Even over something like this." He now inches from me.
      I sigh as I close my eyes and reopen them. Taking deep, ling breaths.
      "What is it baby?" He whispers.
      "Some times I hate this bond shit. I can't hide anything from you. And its fucking annoying." I push him lightly. "You're fucking annoying."
      He smirks at me. Making him even more annoying. "And you're just borderline stubborn. Thick headed."
      He pokes my temple. Making me snarl at him with my red eyes.!And then he rubs my ear lobe. Melting me to his desire.
      Goddess i'm like dog, or cat. Whatever one likes this shit!
      "Over everything that has happen. I try so hard to bring our family back together. I just want us to be a family again. But it feels like I'm still a black sheep. A stranger even." I look up at my mate. Pushing his hand away.
      "The black sheep is the strongest in the hoard."
      "They still see me as the same old Liv."  He shakes his head at me. I hold back any tears.
      "You are not that little girl anymore. You'd grown up as one of the most feared creature ever. Stronger than a whole coven combine. You are my little witch. My queen. My luna. My kingdom." I roll my eyes at him.
      "I don't think they trust me. Thats why they kept this a secret. I bet they even blame me."
      A small tear slowing coming down my tear duct. He wipes it away. Kissing the wet spot. My knots loosen up a smig.
      "I think its something else going on. We just have to seat down and talk. Because their not using our treaty as we aspect them to."
      "Maybe it was too soon. Wrong even?" My eyes swell up now.
      "Its new. For us all." I hum as I look away. "We're talk in private with them both. Dinner."
      "Your annoying." I mumble. He pulls me in to kiss my head. Little fluters ran through my skull.
      "I love you too. Now lets go back to work." Grabbing my hand to pull me further into the woods.
      "Just don't take their side next time."
      "I'm always on your side."
      "Just don't okay. It felt like I was the only one concern at the moment. I needed you. And you took their side." I pull back. Crossing my arms.
      He huff. Darting his now black eyes. "Fine. Next time i'll let my own angry out as well. I just want to keep today happy for a bit more. But you win."
      I drop my arms. Feeling like an asshole now. He shakes his head and before I can say something else. Travis shifts to his wolf. I grip Malcolm fur. Stoping him in his track.
      "Can I have a ride?" I asked shyly.
      Malcolm turns to lick my face. Making me blush. He bend down slightly to let me on. I hug his neck and sniff his amazing scent. Since the change his cinnamon has increase on me. It hot and warm. I don't know. I can't really explain it. Its just super good.i want to take a champ of him.
      "I hate how right you boys are. You two are better at stuff like these. I'm happy I don't have to do this alone. I have my alpha with me."  Pressing my face me into his fur.
      His ears wiggle at my comment. I knew things are back on track for us. I kiss his head and Malcolm took off to start our tracks again.
      After a couple of hours. We still haven't found anything new. Malcolm didn't sense any other wolf near by. We follow a few tracks but was only lead to the creek. After the fourth time. I suggested we stay put on the north side. Hoping we run into someone before the night ends. The last thing I wanted was to spend a night here to just get nothing in return. We just need one wolf. Just one and we can see if their coming from the pack at the bayou or if their rouges.
      I pat Malcolm. Whispering in his ears to let me down. He gentle allow me to slide off and walk aside him.
      "I know you boys must be tired. Do you need a break?" I asked. He shakes his head.
      I look at my phone. Dreading this whole plan. I looked around. Thinking maybe I can set a trap for one. But as I think through my thoughts. I hear a soft noise on my right side.
      "Did you hear that?" I whispered. We spend the whole time trying not to make noises. We needed them to come to us. Not away.
      Malcolm looks around. Using his night vision to see. But he shook his head
      "Ugh. Maybe its a animal running around and.." Again I hear the noise. Twigs cracking near by. My eyes closed and shifted to red. My body begins to tense up.
      "Someone here." I tell the boys.
      They took a few steps forward. Taking a stand in front of me. He sniff around. Letting a small growl out in warning.
      I smile to myself. Knowing tonight wouldn't be a waste.  I walk over to where I heard the noise at first. I had to think theres more than one. Mery and the guard said there was more.
      Both Malcolm and I heads snap behide us. Hearing a howling not far. He blocks my body with his. I lay a hand on him.
      "I can take care of myself." Saying this owes me a low groan from my mate. "Just have my back." I whisper. He nods as he scoots over towards my side.
      My hand flies out. Ready to attack. "Alright motherf***ers."
      But as I get ready and Malcolm trails forth. We hear a animal laugh. I turn and my body rocks a few feets over hitting a tree.
      "Ah fuck!" I said to myself.
      Looking up I sense eyes on me. I pick myself up. Dusting the dirt off of my clothes. I use my scents to smell them out. Coming into sights a mid size wolf approach me. It fur is brown under the moon light.
      I tilt my head. Slicing my eyes at the wolf. It bares its teeth. Puffing out its chest. The wolf shifts into its human form. Reviling a slim fit nude female before me. She crack her neck as she let a sinful smile at me.
      "The hybrid. Finally. Alpha will be pleased to hear." She chuckles.
      "Correction. Its luna hybrid bitch." Straightening out my back. "Wheres you're pack?"
      "Well ms. Luna shall we.." lifting her hands up. Ignoring my question. I nod my head up. Ready for her. "Lets see what you got." She laugh.
      I attack straight on. She block my hit. Shoving me. She aims for my ribs and jump back before impack. She goes for my face. And I block after block. Caughting her off guard. I rock her in the face. Making her head swing back.
      She growls. Spiting blood out her mouth. "Nice hit." She says.
      "Why are you here or do you want another hit?" I asked her.
      Again we attack each other. Going back and forth from blocking hits and making connects. Her claws comes out and I laugh at her attempt. Swing towards me I grab hold of her. Choking herself. Using all of her force she bolts her elbow at my nose. I let go as she aims my face, missing it barely. I kick her and the air leaves her body.
      "You gonna have to fight harder luna!"
      I go in to my fist hiting her face again and again. She grab my arm to twist it. Kocking my back. I caught myself to turn back to her.throwing a left hook at me I'm hit good. She grabs my arm to flip me. I use my vamp speed to rip from her grip. Gain I went in and got some hits to her stomach. You hear cracks of ribs and she keep her stand well. Coming again she kicks my arm as I protect myself. Trying again. I grab and slam her down hard. I go in to kick her over.
      She gets up fast and attacks me. I aim up and kick her arm to rock it hard. It limp down. Dislocating it. My leg curls around her. Knocking her in the ground once more. I jump  on top and hit her until blood pours out her mouth and nose. I was so intone with my hits. I didn't see her reach for a blunt object. Priecing me in the stomach. I climb off. Wrapping my hands around the object tightly. I use my strength to rip it out. I grunt in pain, throwing the bloody object to the floor. Blood pours out my wound.
      Hearing growling near by. I turn to see Malcolm fighting off two wolfs. He was larger and more advances they them. Even when I see one jump on his back. He toss him over to bite down on the others shoulder. Cracking a painful howl in the air.
      Getting distracted. The she wolf pulls my hair down. I hit her hand to take a hit to her face. She makes connect to with my leg. Making me kneel down. I crouch down to have vines wrap her arms before she reach my. Pulling her back.
      "Tsk tsk. Your not being fair." She mock at me.
      "You first." The veins let her go.
      She blocks my kick and I connect to her broken ribs. She lets a small snarl out. Into my side quick, lifting my leg high to connect to her neck, bringing her back she hits the floor. Pushing her body up with her strand of energy so kept. She came back with a hit of her own. I taste blood but it urge me to fight harder. She claws at my arm. Making a deep cut. She kicks me off and laughs.
      "This is fun." She chuckles.
      "Yeah well this is about to end."
      I throw a hit to her injured arm. Growling in pain. She trys to hit me but miss. Going in for a kick. I send a upper cut to her. Throwing her body hard on the ground. I go in to kick her. She grabs  hold of my leg to throw me off balance. She crawls to me. And I kick her chin. Blood drips out her mouth. I wrap my legs around her throat. Squeezing.
      "Don't tap out. Its fun." I chuckle as she claws at my legs to let her go. I hold on for a bit. Until I put a bit more force, I feel her pulse slowing down, Her body goes limp between my legs quick. I let go to hear her fall asleep. Well knock out really.
      I sigh as I get up quick. Looking around. I see Malcolm tower over two wolfs bodies. They lay flat on the ground. One face down with his head in a odd way. The other on its side as a puddle if blood covers him. Blood is everywhere. Malcolm walk to me. Licking my face. I pat him down. Looking him up and down. He winch at my touch.
      "You okay?" He nods as he looks down at the female on the ground. "She not dead. Are yours still.." before I can finish he shook his head no.
      I lean in to rest my head on his. We take charge to the river. I grab each body off Malcolms back. Throwing them in as the current takes them. I toss the she wolf in last.
      "She can find her way back to her alpha." I watch as all three bodies stream down. Once they made it out my sight. I felt Malcolm lay his head on my shoulder. I scratching his ears and he lifts me up in his back. Running out the woods and back to the coven.
      The guards lets us in. Informing us that no wolf sights have been seen. In my head I was glad. But wonder if they were watching and waiting for me and Travis this whole time. The thought of that with blame took over. Making it further in, I tap on Malcolm to let me down. I groan in a soft tone as my belly ache. He licks my arm. Whinning at the large wound.
      "I'm fine. I'll heal."
      I try walking towards the houses as Malcolm tugs on my shirt with his teeth. I turn to see him notch at the covens small hospital that we build. I shake my head no. Wanting to just go off to bed. He claws at my shirt. Pulling me back.
      "No Malcolm. I'm good. Now stop it." I shove him away. Only for him to bite on my collar and drag me to the hospital himself.
      "Boys! I can walk! Let me down!" I yelp.
      They growl at me furiously. And I let them walk me until we hit the doors. Having himself shift back to their human form. I grab a hospital gown and he puts it on. Once he got it tie up he toss me over his shoulder. Thinking I will leave, which I would of. I don't fight and let him be.
      Once we are guided to a room. I remove my shirt. Leaving me in my bra. I lay back for the doctor to exam me. The hole on my stomach was healing by then. Just a pink layer showing. For the cut on my arm. It hurts like a bitch. The doctor went on to put some stuff on it. Helping the heaing process. I tell her all I need is to drink some blood and i'll be fine. She goes off to get some.
      "You know I have some right here for you." Travis says as he walks to my side.
      "I know you do. But you needs to heal too. Now show me." I demanded.
      He smirks at me appealing. I roll my eyes at him. He unties his gown to show me a few claw marks on him. It ran all over his chest and back. Some deep and some not. His shoulder was looked swollen. I touch his bare skin, ignoring the sparks.
    "I'm sorry this happen?"
    "It wasn't on you. Besides. I'n use to this." Watching me run my fingers over every mark.
    "I'm sorry you have to get involved. You shouldn't need to." I hold back a sob.
    He feab my hand as it goes up to his chest where his mark is displayed. "I will forever be involved. When it comes to you. Your protection, your life, your family, you completely."
    "I may be new to this. But if its time to walk away. Even when its hard. At least this time I won't be alone." I finally connect our eyes.
    His dark brown shine at me. "You are never alone. Malcolm and I are here. Always." I nod a soft smile at my mate. Taking another look at his hurt body. I call the nurse to get him something.
      Finally the doctor walks in telling us we are both healing fine and are free to go but offer us to stay and rest. I said no but Travis annoying ass walk over me and took her offer.
      "How do you feel right now little witch?" He asked.
      I cross my arms. Frowning at him. "Bad."
      He search my body and I push his hand away. "Not like that bad. I wanted to go to a comfortable bed and rest. Not this shit."
      He chuckles at me. I fight the urge to hit him. "Its just until we rest up. We haven't aten all day. And we been up all night. Not to mention the shit we just went through." He lets his fingers softly run down my arm. "Don't argue with me on this my queen."
      "I would still be better in a real bed." I claim.
      He grabs my chin in a demanding way. Making me look in his dreamy eyes. Melting my inside. "Well too bad. I'm gonna crawl in this bed with you. You will lay your head on my chest so I feel you close. And we will fall asleep. You got it!"
      I wanted to hide my gitter emotions but my face fail me. "Fine."
      He gets in the bed to lift me to his side. I scoot into him. Draping his arms all around me. I listen to his heart beat. Sending soothing nerves through out my body.
      "This is better." I mumble.
      "Rest my queen. You fought good. Warrior good."
      "You too." Travis kisses my lips gentle. I lay my head right on top of his beating heart. Sending a beautiful echo in my ear. Didn't take too long before it put me to a well rested sleep.

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