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“(Name), I can’t believe you battled an upper moon!” Tanjiro admired the girl, but he choked on his spit when Kokushibo opened one eye and glowered at him. 

Kokushibo was curled up in (name)’s futon, glaring daggers at Nezuko who was laying in (name)’s lap and receiving head pats. A downpour was going on outside, and everyone was grateful for the warm space. Nezuko saw his stare and she gave a smug “hmph”, making Kokushibo hiss at her, his hair spiking everywhere.

Zenitsu was cowering behind Tanjiro from the sight of the six eyed man. Inosuke went out recently, and he hasn’t been back.

“It’s nothing worth praise.” (name) mumbled, and stared at Kokushibo who was wrapped up in her blanket. 

He could be such a drama queen… 

The door opened and everyone turned to see Inosuke, without his mask on.

“My mask!” he shouted, “I can’t find my mask!”

“Where was the last time you saw it?” Tanjiro tried to assess the situation.

“I was outside ramming my head on trees and my mask came off! I can’t find it!” Inosuke continued to growl, “don’t roll your eyes at me, Monitsu!”

“Eh? If you left it outside, you’re going to have to wait until the rain stops.” Tanjiro explained, “we can go get it after or else we’ll get sick.”

“No! I want it now!” Inosuke complained like a child, “oi, Kokushibitch! You go get my mask! Demons can’t get sick!”

“Uh Inosuke, that’s not his name…”


“Nevermind, you’re hopeless.”

Kokushibo merely turned so his back was facing all of them. A sudden movement made him open his eyes to see (name) standing up. Without looking at everyone, (name) ran outside of the wisteria house as the boys and Nezuko gasped.

“(Name)-chan! You’ll get sick! Come back!” Zenitsu tried to go after her, but Tanjiro restrained him. 

Everyone waited unrestedly for (name). After what seemed like forever, she returned, drenched in cold rain from head to toe and holding Inosuke’s mask in her hands. She smacked the mask onto Inosuke’s head, before she went over and glared at the upper moon.

“From now on, be nicer to Tanjiro and the others. Especially Zenitsu.” (name) lectured, “he was the one who protected you when Inosuke was trying to skewer you alive.”


(Name) rolled her eyes and made him move over so she could rest. He complied and after a few seconds, Kokushibo shrunk down to his small form. The boys and Nezuko soon went to bed as Nezuko also shrunk and crawled into (name)’s futon.

The next day, Nuomi and Tanjiro’s crow came flying in, landing on their demon slayer’s hands. 

“Head to Mount Natagumo! Hurry there quickly, without delay!”

        “Wait! Can the three of you please wait?!” Zenitsu shouted as they arrived at the foot of the mountain. 

Everyone stopped and (name) knew what was coming. Her head had been hurting and her throat was feeling weird for some reason.

“It’s so scary! It feels even scarier the closer we get!” Zenitsu cried, sitting on the ground, shaking uncontrollably. 

“Huh? You’re just sitting on the ground. You’re pissing me off.” Inosuke grunted.

“You’re the one I don’t want to hear from, boar head! Seems like you don’t really piss me off after all! But this is normal! I’m normal! You’re abnormal!”

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