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(Name) muttered under her breath as her feet trudged through the field. A large number of demon slayers were injured and the Butterfly Estate ran out of medical supplies. It was late at night and the next village was pretty far, so Oyakata-sama assigned (name) to go there since she was the strongest. 

Hee hee. 

Kokushibo was going to come, until he decided to be a little brat. He’s currently grounded right now as (name) scolded him and made him sit in the corner as punishment. 

(Name) sighed, her back aching with all the heavy materials attached to it. She was really starting to regret not bringing Kokushibo with her. Her body was naturally strong, but tonight (name) was feeling lazy.

As she continued on, something landed in front of her and (name) wanted to roll her eyes. She squinted at the incoming intruder, as her hand gripped her blade but she deadpanned at the demon standing before her.

“(Name), we meet again.” Akaza grinned, “I have trained night after night in hopes of becoming stronger to defeat you. My previous battle with you brought shame in me as I had underestimated your strength but now...”

“Get on with your point already.” (Name) rolled her eyes and Akaza felt a vein pop in his head.

“Fight me! I swear to defeat you and bring you to that man-”

 “Sorry, I’m in a hurry.” (name) waved at the pinkette, already walking away behind him, “I’ll see you again.”


Akaza stood there frozen for some time, until he screamed in his head. He clenched his fists and whipped around, teeth seething at her retreating form.


After all the training he did?!

“Stop underestimating me!” Akaza dashed forward, his hands raised to attack (name).

“I don’t want to kill her!” the pinkette thought, his fists moving closer to (name)’s head, “as long as I can land a blow on her, that’s it! I’ll be satisfied with that!” 

“That man will murder me if I don’t bring her and fucking Douma has been shitting around me after he heard I lost because of my dick!” he gritted his teeth.

Everything happened so fast that the Upper Moon 3 couldn’t see anything. 

One second he was about to punch (name) and the next… his arms and legs were sliced off in an instant and he tumbled to the ground. Akaza heaved with disbelief, and he flinched when (name) patted his head.

“There, there… you’re probably just stressed.” (name) cooed fakely, enjoying the softness of his hair. 

It was softer than Kokushibo’s. 

She’ll have to buy him a better hair shampoo.

Akaza hummed before he purred, cuddling closer to her hand as he regenerated with delight. It continued on, until Akaza’s eyes shot wide at what she was doing to him and he backed away. His face was beat red and he pointed a finger at her, stuttering like a mess.

“W-what was that for?!” he screeched, his face turning even redder if that was possible, “I’m not your p-pet!”

“You enjoyed it, Bakaza.” (name) yawned, “I have to go now. I’ll fight you another time or never.”

“My name is Akaza and get back here!” Akaza screamed and launched himself at (name).

She sighed and grabbed his outstretched wrist, before kicking him hard on his ankles, sending him spinning in the air. The pinkette landed on the back of his head, and he winced when he felt his bones break. 

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