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The inside of the room was dark, as to be expected of a shelter that contained a demon inside. It looked identical to Nezuko's, only the bed was bigger. (Name) wasn't too surprised with how it looked, but what surprised her was the scene in front.

In the middle of the room was Kokushibo, wearing a black kimono while his signature purple kimono was in his hands. He was trying to knit the ripped clothing, while Kiyo, Naho, and Sumi were around him, playing with his hair.

"Cute..." (name) thought.

From the sound of the door breaking down, everyone directed their attention to (name). Kokushibo sneered and turned his back towards her, swinging Naho who was hugging his head, making the child squeal in delight.

"(Name)-san!" Sumi and Kiyo chimed, and Naho got off of Kokushibo.

They ran up to her and hugged her waist, making (name) blink at them.

"What are you doing here?" they asked, their dot eyes gleaming at her.

"I came to talk to my demon pal." (name) answered, "I'd like to talk to him alone."

"I don't want... to talk to you..." Kokushibo grumbled.

The girls nodded and they bid farewell to their new demon friend.

"Bye Koku-kun!"

Once the girls were gone, (name) slowly bent down to sit beside the Upper Moon, but he stubbornly turned and shuffled his way to the corner.

"Hey, it's been a while." (name) began, "how are you doing?"


(Name) stayed silent as she watched him try to sew his clothing together. If it weren't for the tense atmosphere, (name) would have thought it was funny that his big hands were trying to control the small needle.

"Look, I know you're mad at me and you have every right to." (name) sighed and scratched her head.

"I'm sorry that I didn't defend you at the Hashira trial."

(Name) tried to help him with sewing his kimono but he slapped her hands away and leaned closer into the wall. The girl looked at him for a moment, before she hesitantly approached him. Kokushibo noticed and leaned away as (name) awkwardly poked him.

"I'm also sorry for hitting you."

"It's just my mind wasn't thinking straight. We were in front of the master of the Demon Slayer Corps and I've just been a member for a while. I promised my Omma and younger brother that I'll join so I was afraid that they were going to kick me out." (name) mumbled.

"Come on, talk to me." (name) patted his head and his hands faltered a bit on the needle.

"I miss you, Koku-kun~!" she fakely cooed.

"...you're such a nuisance." he turned, liking the kind tone she had.

"See, that wasn't so hard six eyes."

The sweet moment ended just like that and Kokushibo was again, huddled in the corner and fiddling with his clothes. (Name) rolled her eyes at how much of a drama queen he was and rested her back on his.

"Why did you become a demon?" she asked, the question had been floating in her mind for a while now.

(Name) eyes narrowed when she heard him drop the needle. His back tensed and she felt his hair rising up.

"None of your... business..." he growled at her.

"You're on our side now so it is my business." (name) shot, and he was silent.

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