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“Oi, you three.” (Name) called in as she opened the door to her room at the Butterfly Estate, “I have a mission for you.”

Kokushibo, Douma, and Akaza, who were in their small forms and were cuddling against each other on (Name)’s bed looked up, and made their way in front of her by crawling. The bed wasn’t big enough to fit all of them but the demons were happy enough to change into their small forms, as all they wanted was to sleep together with (Name).

“Yes, yes, (Name)-chan! What mission do you want us to go on?!” Douma asked happily, and he switched into his adult form.

All of them expected some stealthy or top-class mission, but they blinked when (Name) shoved a piece of paper in front of their eyes.

“Go steal some alcohol for me.” (Name) demanded, “here listed are the types of alcohols and flavors that I want. Go on now.”

“Isn’t that what robbers do?” Akaza asked suspiciously, “and why can’t you come with us? You can easily just buy some with all the money you earned.”

(Name) smirked and she waved goodbye to the three demons. Behind her, Uzui’s three wives were looking at her with heart eyes while the Sound Hashira gave a sassy look to the three pathetic demons.

“Suma asked me out on a date so I’m going with them. See you guys later.” (Name) patted each of the demons on their heads, so they won’t rip Uzui and his wives to shreds.

“Bye, wimps!” Uzui giggled, and he left with his wives and (Name).

You fucker…

        “Stop throwing the bags around! You might break the bottles!” Akaza yelled at Douma, who was prancing around in front and holding the bags of alcohol they stole.

“(Name)-chan patted me on the head!” Douma cooed, “now I know how nice it feels, Kokushibo-dono! Man, you really have been living your life!”

“Douma shut up.” Kokushibo snapped impatiently, “we took longer… than expected…”

The three Upper Moons wandered around the forest back to the Butterfly Estate, wishing to get back to (Name) and steal her away from Uzui and his stupid wives. Before they could go anywhere further, the three stopped when they heard some shuffling coming from behind a bush.

“Oh~? What’s this?” Douma threw (Name)’s alcohol in the air, and the heavy bag landed on Akaza’s head with a twack.

Behind the bush, there was a little female demon with a horn on her forehead. Upon seeing the three Upper Moons that she was trying to hide from, she freaked out and began sobbing hysterically.

“Awww~! Are you sad?!” Douma mocked her, “you must be in fear seeing the three of us, aren’t you? You know, you’re pretty ugly compared to (Name)-chan.”

“Just leave her… Douma…” Kokushibo pestered, as Akaza sneered behind him.

Douma ignored him and he began poking the female demon harshly by her horn. The female demon gasped and she began to shake violently.


A pink dust cloud suddenly emerged from the demon’s horn and it surrounded the Upper Moons, who stared at the scene with blank faces. It wasn’t until a ringing noise sounded in their ears when Akaza began to freak out. 

“What the fuck-” Akaza’s shouts were heard as the female demon got away.

“Huh? Nothing happened?”

“What do you mean nothing happened? I feel weird.”

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