Chap Won

421 5 1

"On your knees!"

They led you at gunpoint into the main room of the cabin, their two buddies dead on the floor. You smirked to yourself with your hands held high,

"I'm awfully flattered but..."

"Shut up!" They yelled before pistol whipping you in the face, but you grabbed the hand that held the gun after and in a moment, they were getting on their own knees, "...How're you doing this?" The strong voice now a scared one as they panicked, watching as you smiled wickedly at them, "It hurts!"

They dropped their gun to the floor, and you kicked it off to the side, out of reach, before you snapped their arm like a twig. He screamed out in pain, but you relished in the noise, your smile only growing as you peered down at the whimpering man in front of you.

"Baby," You cooed patronizingly as you continued to bend his arm at angles a body part should never be bent, "You know why."

"Please..." He begged and you laughed at his pathetic attempt to stop you.

"Tsk, tsk, you've been a busy boy, haven't you?"

"Your brother..." He realized and your smile fell, your chest filling with anger at the mere mention of him.

"Smart man." You gritted between your teeth, snapping another bone in his arm that had him crying out again before you gripped his neck loosely.

He was gasping for breath and you enjoyed watching the life fade from his eyes as he choked.

"What?" You taunted, "Nothing more to say?" Then you side glanced the other two on the floor, "You're all the same."

And with one twist of your hand, he was gone, falling limp on the floor.

You walked out of the cabin, swiping the blood from your mouth and smearing it across your cheek. You took the guns with you, noticing earlier you were low on ammo, but you never really liked using them. It was only for emergencies or when you couldn't get close enough. You pulled your gloves on, got in your car, and drove to your next destination.

New York City.

Greatest city on earth.

Used to be someplace you dreamed of going, wanting to get a taste of every culture in one place, and the energy was something you grew up craving. And even though you weren't here to see the sights or eat your weight in pizza, you knew this was going to be a milk run, so maybe you would be able to enjoy some of it.

You made your way there before ditching the car on the side of the road, hopping on buses, taking the train, and walking about ten blocks until you finally reached the Jacob K. Javits Federal Building. You peered up at your target and lifted your hood, covering yourself enough to avoid the cameras as you went inside.

This had been the plan all along, so you already had a fake badge made and a layout of the building, knowing where you needed to go, how to get there the fastest possible way, and what you needed to do when you did.

You passed the checkpoints, taking the elevator to the twentieth floor and peering out the floor to ceiling windows, taking in the view as you walked quickly down the hall.

You reached the secure room and looked both ways before hiding the doorknob with your body, using a scanner you built to crack the pin. Thirty seconds later and you were in, closing the door carefully behind you. It was dark, but to keep a low profile you didn't turn the lights on, and you rounded the shelves until you found the main computer.

You used a passcode finder and bypassed every firewall they threw at you until you found what you wanted, downloading the files onto your drive before completely wiping it from the system.

Just a Name Part: OneWhere stories live. Discover now