Chap To Sex

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You rushed down the hallway, heart thumping in your chest, and your breathing heavy. Every corner turned showed you nothing, answered none of your questions. You were served strange, puzzled looks, but you ignored them, mind only on the mission. The tower always surprised you with how big it was, and right now you were constantly looking over your shoulder, eventually giving up when you came across the director's office.

"L/n." He greeted without even looking up from his computer, expecting this visit, just maybe not so early in the morning.

You stood in the doorway, gripping its frame as you caught your breath, trying to get your question out. He looked up at you with a raised eyebrow, feeling impatient, but still waiting for you to tell him what you needed so he could get back to work.

He'd never admit it out loud, but he actually grew to enjoy your company, even though he found it annoying. Your company always left him thinking about something outside of the every day mundane he's been dealing with lately for SHIELD and he didn't always mind when you popped in, even if he outwardly depicted otherwise.

He rolled his eye when you took more than a few seconds, gathering a few things, and getting up to leave.

You put a hand up to stop him and he eyed it like he wanted it to burst into flames.

"Where are they?" You took a moment to level out your breathing, your heartrate finally slowing.


"You know who." You squinted up at him, pointing at his chest.

"Get your-"

"Apologies." You smirked, lowering your hand away and he sighed, running his own hand down his face.

"They have better things to do," He offered, and you pursed your lips before he continued, bending slightly to look into your eye as he spat, "Not everything is about you."

"I'm literally the main character but go off."

"You're a piece of work, is what you are," He smirked, scrunching his face in disgust immediately after, shooing you away, "Now get outta my damn way before I change my mind and have a dozen agents on your ass until the day you die."


You smiled to yourself as he left, walking proudly back to the main floor, and wondering if you had truly been wrong about this place after all. You had less than a year left here and with everything going in your favor, you'd almost miss the ankle jewelry.


As you headed for the elevators, a few people were rounding the corner and you spotted a couple of familiar faces.

"Now who's the one in cuffs?" You chuckled and you could tell he was smiling even though they also had his mouth covered by the way his eyes crinkled, "What'd you do?" You looked over to Thor, "What'd he do?"

"They only have my brother with conspiracy or some nonsense," Thor smiled, shaking his head, "We're just going to escort him back to Asgard where he will be kept for the foreseeable future."

You snuck a glance over at Loki as Thor spoke and he rolled his eyes at his brother's words before catching yours. You smiled softly and apologetically, but he made no move to show he cared, his emotions stoic after that.

The agents took a cautious step forward when you did, but you ignored them, grabbing him into a hug and subtly touching the mouthguard, manipulating it to malfunction and drop. He smiled mischievously, eyeing you with pride, as they scrambled to pull you back and retrieve the now broken device.

"A person should never be silence." You shrugged them off with a smile and he nodded in thanks before he turned to his brother.

"I told you I liked her."

Just a Name Part: OneWhere stories live. Discover now