Chap Dirty Flirty Thirty

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"You'll tell me everything, right?"

You squinted up at him with an accusatory smile, teasing him, and he chuckled only lightly before his face fell again.

He was worried, rightfully so, and you had refused to do much more than hug him tightly back when he picked you up in his arms the moment you landed on the tower's strip. He was a wreck, not knowing where you were and scouring every place in the area you were last tracked since you disappeared, but they kept him in the dark on purpose. Even when they found you alive, they didn't tell him where, keeping the update short, and saying when you'd be back at the tower, so he only made sure to be there when you arrived.

Guilt washed over you the second he sprinted towards the jet, barely giving you a glance over for injuries before taking you in his arms, breathing you in and mumbling assurances. Saying that you were safe now, he wouldn't let anything like this ever happen again, and how much he loved you. Part of you believed it was more for himself than you, but you gripped his jacket in your fists, burying your face in his neck, and let your eyes squeeze shut because it had been a hell of a few days.

He was carrying you proudly inside of the tower, your legs wrapped around his strong middle and arms loosely hanging off his neck as he held you securely in his arms. You leaned back when he asked the question, thinking he was just concerned, maybe curious, but then you caught the hurt in his eyes and your own frown stitched its way onto your lips before you hugged him again, resting your head on his shoulder and promising,

"Of course."

When he got you back to his room, your body had finally started to relax, exhaustion taking over, and the second he shut the door, you felt like you could fall apart.

There was something about his room, all the secrets shared, the love given, and the unashamed laughter that had made it your favorite place in the world. You could be vulnerable, honest, and true because you felt as if it was the safest place on earth.

And for you, it really was.

He went to start the shower, distress still written all over his face as neither of you spoke, and when he came back, you stood up and started taking your dirty clothes off. When he mimicked you, you cocked an eyebrow in his direction, making him smile shyly.

"Like I'm ever gonna leave you alone again."

"Hey, I'm not complaining." You smirked and he chuckled, reaching over to kiss the top of your head.

You both threw your clothes in the bin when you stepped inside the bathroom and he took your hand, but you didn't miss the way his eyes trailed over your body, confusion and uncontrollable arousal clouding his blue eyes.

"Yeah," You cleared your throat when you noticed and he turned to test the water, not wanting to push you with questions so soon, but elated that you were offering answers anyway, "I'm not sure if it was my..." You lifted your free hand even though his back was to you, "Or what they gave me, but I guess I'm injury free."

He tensed when you mentioned them giving you something, not wanting his anger to be present in this moment because he didn't want to worry you, but he couldn't force a smile.

He was hurt, angry, confused, and if he was being honest, scared. He knew there were people who wanted you dead, you came with a heavy past, but he was so confident, clearly too confident, in SHIELD and himself, thinking they could protect you from everything.

He was angry beyond comprehension, he barely remembers feeling this way except for maybe when Bucky was taken from him, but this was different. They failed you so incomprehensively that he couldn't believe it. The fact that you're standing here is only a test to what you can do, not what they can. You survived this whole thing on your own, left there with no back up, and it was their responsibility to keep you safe.

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