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This mission was going to be...intimate.

To say the least.

"One room?" You spat angrily as the two of you climbed onto the elevator with your luggage, "What is this? Some cliché fanfiction story?"

"Fan...fiction?" He asked back, confused, and you waved it off.

"If there's only one bed, I'm gonna throttle someone," You growled, stepping off, and he went to unlock the door once he found the right one, "Oh, thank god it's not that kind of story."

"Look," He stopped you with a hand up, "I don't like this either, but they ordered us to both be here and I want to get this done as quickly and painlessly as possible, alright?"


"And it'd help if-" He cut himself off with furrowed eyebrows, a surprised look on his face, "Wait, really?"

"I agree," You shrugged, walking by to throw your suitcase on the bed by the window, "I just want this done and if we can do that without any more broken bones," You waved your cast in the air for emphasis, "I'm all for it."

"I didn't expect you to be so-"

"Professional?" You guessed and he shrugged with a nod, "Well, I've been doing this for almost two months now and I know the drill. I get in there, do my thing, and retrieve whatever they want or help them arrest whoever they want," He squinted, wondering if you had an ulterior motive to all this, but you just shrugged and added, "Better them than me, right?"

"I guess."

You looked away after sending him a tight smile and started getting your stuff ready for a shower. The mission didn't start until tomorrow night, so you figured you'd enjoy the hotel for all it had to offer.

"Need it before I get in there?" You gestured towards the bathroom and he shook his head, barely glancing your way.

So, you showered, toweled off, and slipped into a little red dress that had a sweetheart neckline. You smoothed it out, put on some make up, did your hair, and slipped on some black heels when you got back into the room.

"I thought..."

"Yeah, this dress isn't for tomorrow," You explained as he followed the material with your movements and you finished putting your earrings, "I figured, why not enjoy the bar since it's on SHIELD's tab?"

"You're dressed like that," He pointed towards you, making you look down subconsciously, "To get a drink?"

"Or maybe a few if I meet a guy," You winked, giving him a side smile, "Ya never know."

"Yeah," He huffed, raising his eyebrows, and sitting on the bed, "You'll definitely meet a guy looking like that."

"Got something against me lookin' nice?" You snapped and he shook his head.

"Nope," He clicked the TV on, keeping his eyes off you now, "Just don't bring them back here."

"Three ways aren't really my thing," You shot back and put a glove on your better hand before giving yourself a last glance over in the mirror, "So, I'll be sure to do them in the restroom."

"Classy." He grumbled and you rolled your eyes, leaving.

You weren't serious about hooking up with some random guy, but the way he gave you a once over...thrice, made you want to hurt him, but you didn't think it'd work so well. Plus, it's not like anyone wants to hook up with someone who has a broken wrist or refuses to use their bare hands.

Gloves stay on during sex.

You strolled down to the bar, earning plenty of looks, and smiles before waving the bartender down for a vodka soda. The second you went to glance around; a man slid into the stool next to you. You smiled at him when he wouldn't stop staring at you and he chuckled,

Just a Name Part: OneWhere stories live. Discover now