The Beast and the Beast

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Charismatic Man: If you really want to kick up a fuss, I'll take you on. What do you say? 

The man's amber gaze moved towards me and I caught my breath as our eyes met. There was something about him that was larger than life, and the street grew quiet around him as all eyes were drawn to him. (Whew... I've never seen anyone with so much presence! It's like you dominate the scene just by existing!) His gaze swept the crowd, the gaze of a predator looking for his next meal, and nobody wanted to meet it. He was clearly not someone you should pick a fight with, and the tension in the air told me that everyone else had sensed it, too. Or at least, ALMOST everyone. 

Drunkard: You wanna fight me? Yeah? Let's do it! 

Charismatic Man: You've got spirit, I'll give you that. 

Veronica: Wait, please! Can't we find a peaceful way to resolve-n

Drunkard: Shuddup!! 

(No-!) My heart stopped completely for a moment as the drunkard kicked angrily at my fallen books, sending several of them flying. I watched in horror as they soared through the air, pages flapping wildly, before landing in the middle of the street. Of course, it had to be right as someone was riding a horse straight towards them. 

???: Hmm? 

It was a majestic white horse, but it was the rider who caught my attention, staring at the books as he reined his horse in. (Oh, great. Now we have the attention of TWO men who don't look like they should never be messed with.)bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbmmb.jbjmbjm x/z???: Who would be so insolent? Was it you? 

His gaze was as cold as ice, and something ruthless glittered deep within in, like a tiger catching sight of its prey. He wasn't even looking at me, yet I was afraid to move, afraid even the slightest twitch would bring death pouncing down on me. (Wait a minute, that crest on your saddle- Oh. Oh no! You're a member of the royal family, aren't you?!) 

Drunkard: Huh?! Who the hell d'ya think ya are! Stop sneerin' at me!

The drunkard's face was flushed as he began stomping on my books, but it was the cruelty in the other man's eyes that filled me dread. 

Aristocratic Man: I hadn't intended to participate in such a vulgar side show, but perhaps this is how one finds amusement at a festival? 

Veronica: Wait- 

The babble of the festival around me seemed to fade into silence as the man began to draw his sword from the sheath at his hip. (You can't be serious-are you really going to kill him?! Over this?!) Sunlight gleamed off the blade, almost blinding me, and then I was moving. 

Veronica: That's enough! Pull yourself together! 

Drunkard: Wha-?! 

The sword was still only half-free of its sheath when I reached the drunkard, slapping him across the face so hard my hand hurt. I could feel people staring at me. Lots of people. But most of all, I could feel the gaze of two startled predators. 

Drunkard: What was that for?! 

Veronica: You need to calm down! Or do you want to get yourself killed over this? What are you...

I glared at him, gesturing discreetly at the crest on the blond man's saddle, and one glance drained all color from his face. It was clear I'd finally gotten through him, and I breathed a quick sigh of relief before turning towards the man on horseback.

Veronica: I'm very sorry if we caused you any trouble! I hope you find some way to forgive and forget this incident. 

I lifted my skirt in a curtsey, wishing I had a better idea of how to address royalty, but  it wasn't like I'd ever had the chance. Suddenly the golden-eyed man burst out laughing, a loud, refreshing sound that cut straight through the tension. I was so wound up I nearly jumped out of my skin, but I could feel the mood in the air lightening immediately.

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