Eight Beasts Gather

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???: Hmm, you're a sight for sore eyes. She's a friend of yours, Yves? 

Yves: Why would I be friends with a commoner? Are you sure she's not some past fling of yours, Nokto? 

(Okay, who on earth are you two?) They'd appeared out of nowhere, and they were standing too close, their curious gazes focused on me, and I took a quick step back.)

Nokto: Hmm, why so wary? Holding a grudge over our fling, perhaps? 

Yves: Huh? She really IS a past fling of yours? You really are the most frivolous, revolting man! 

Veronica: Hang on, could you two stop talking about me like that when I'm right in front of you? And who are you, anyway? 

They were making me feel like an exhibit in a cage, but the moment I spoke, Yves's jaw dropped. 

Yves: You can't be serious. Are you saying you don't know who I am? 

Veronica: That's exactly what I'm saying. 

Nokto: Well, she's definitely not one of mine, then. 

Yves: Who cares about that! I think it's unbelievable that she doesn't even know who I am. 

(Hey-watch it!) Yves looked so aghast that I winced, ducking back as he reached down towards me... but a sudden dark shadow blocked his way. 

Devilish Man: Your Highnesses, I'm afraid the introductions will have to wait until later. 

Nokto: What are you doing here? Is she your guest? 

Devilish Man: She is. And unless you are fools, you should be able to guess why you've all been summoned. 

Yves: Oh! 

Nokto: Hmph. So that's what this  is all about. 

(...Okay, what am I missing? And why does everyone keep talking about me like I'm not even here?) 

Devilish Man: If you understand the situation, then please make your way directly to the round table room. 

Nokto: Fine, fine, we get it. 

Nokto raised his hand in a lazy wave as he strolled breezily past me, the faint scent of some sort of perfume wafting up. The scent faded again quickly, and I breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly someone grabbed my hand from behind. 

Nokto: I'll play with you later. 

Veronica: Excuse me?

I pulled my hand free from his grip, glaring at him, but he only chuckled, a knowing smirk on his lips as he turned and left. (I don't know who you think you are, but if I see you again, I'm keeping a safe distance from you at all times!) I turned away from Nokto, but my eyes met Yves's, and he put one hand on his hip and lifted the other, pointing accusingly at me. 

Yves: I'll never accept you as Belle! You're far too... too mediocre! 

Veronica: Mediocre? You don't even know me, and you haven't let me get a word in edgewise yet! 

He turned his back on my glare, reminding me somehow of an angry cat, and I could all but see his tail swishing as he stalked off. (And I was so annoyed with being called 'mediocre' that I glossed over the 'Belle' thing. Why do I feel like I should know what it means?)

Devilish Man: Now then, Veronica, that's quite enough dawdling. We should be on our way.

Veronica: Hey-you don't need to push!

The man's hand on my shoulder was surprisingly strong as he propelled me forwards, and I hastened my steps to keep up with him. In moments, we'd passed through the biggest, grandest doors I'd ever seen into the biggest, grandest entrance hall I'd ever seen. (Wow! I always wondered what it might look like inside the palace! I feel like I've wandered into one of my books!) Everything spoke of money and power, from the marble columns to the meticulously-arranged roses, and I felt dizzy trying to take it all in. (But one thing's for sure... I do NOT belong here. I am so out of place.) Doubt surged up inside, slowing me to a halt, and a curious violet gaze moved to meet mine, ensnaring me. 

Devilish Man: Oh? Is this an expression of rebellion? 

Veronica: It might be, if I even knew what I was rebelling against! Are you going to tell me what's going on? Or at least who you are? 

Devilish Man: Ahh, that's right. I haven't actually introduced myself yet, have I? 

His hand dropped away from my shoulder, and he smiled calmly, but his smile did nothing to make me feel better. 

Sariel: My name is Sariel. I am a minister of the royal court. 

Veronica: Okay... and what does that mean for me? 

Sariel: I realize you may be wary at this stage, but don't worry. I will train you to like me. 

(...Please tell me I heard that wrong.) I didn't know a lot about court ministers, but I'd always imagined them to be more noble, and definitely a lot less terrifying. 

Veronica: I'm not really into that sort of training, so if I could just go home now-

Sariel: I'm afraid you would have to forfeit your right to continue breathing first. 

As if the threat wasn't bad enough, his smile told me I'd already done a deal with the devil, whether I'd wanted to or not. 

Veronica: Can I at least ask you one thing? My friend Rio was meant to be minding the bookstore while I was out. Is he okay? 

Sariel: Yes, of course. And if you do as I tell you, then I will ensure that he stays that way. 

(...I'm really starting to regret all those times I wished I could star in my own fairytale.)

Veronica: Fine. 

I turned my head away, not wanting to meet that smug gaze any longer, but I couldn't tune out his quiet, pleased laughter. 

Sariel: The more you rebel, the more I enjoy forcing you to yield. 

(I don't even want to begin to imagine how someone like you ended up a minister in the royal court.) My gaze snapped back to meet his as I glared at him, and he laughed again and began to walk away. He seemed more shadow than man, but I hurried after him, my nerves jangling as I wondered what was going to happen to me. 

Sariel: And here we are. 

A guard stood attention on each side of the door, and as we approached, they moved forwards and pulled the doors open. 

Sariel gestured for me to go first, and the moment I stepped through the doors, the atmosphere changed immediately. (What is this place? And-) It was another grand room, an imposing round table at its center, and seated around the table were eight young men. They all turned at the sound of my footsteps, and suddenly I was the focus of their attention. (Oh, wow...) They all had the same sharp, piercing gaze, and I felt suddenly like a rabbit, faced with not one but eight predators. (And like a rabbit, if I make the mistake of running-) Their eyes were fierce and savage, yet somehow majestic as well, and it was hard to look past that and see the people they were. But as I slowly took in the scene before me, I realized the two men I'd meet outside the palace were among them. And then I realized two men I'd seen on horseback in town were there, too. I was still grappling with that unexpected surprise when-

Leon: I wasn't expecting to see you again. 

Veronica: Wait-Leon?!  

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