~Chapter 2, Part 5~

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(But the less said about that, the better. Ugh, why do I have to be a cuddly drunk? Why did you have to be so warm, and smell so nice, and-)

Nokto: I see you remember everything. 

The rustling of the sheets was like the whisper of grass as a predator approached, and I suddenly remembered where I was. I ignored the pounding of my head and leapt out of bed, putting as much distance between myself and Nokto as possible. 

Nokto: Aww, and after you were so keen to throw yourself at me last night... 

Nokto lay back against the pillows, resting his head on his hands and looking far too indecent for his own good, and I sank down on the nearest chair. 

Veronica: So I got a bit friendly! It happens. But how did I end up here? 

Nokto: When you threw yourself at me, I gathered you tenderly in my arms, and brought you back to my room. 

(So this is your room? Well, I guess that explains why you look so relaxed. Wait, but if we're back at the palace-)

Nokto: I tried to avoid anyone seeing me, but I'm afraid I failed. I imagine the rumors are spreading already. I can almost hear them whispering now. 'Belle spent the night in a prince's bed!' 

Veronica: Nokto-!

I stared at him with a mix of horror and anger, and he burst out laughing again. 

Nokto: I warned you, remember? I told you to be careful not to let anyone take you home with them. 

I opened my mouth to snap back at him, and then closed it again before I said anything I'd regret. (It's bad enough that you said it at all, let alone that YOU were the one who went and did it!) My head was still pounding, and I knew I wasn't thinking clearly. But he wasn't giving me a chance to, either. 

Nokto: And since you look worried, I'll just make this clear-you were fast asleep, so I didn't do anything to you. 

Veronica: I know that! 

Nokto: It's no fun doing stuff like that unless both people involved actually want it. 

It wasn't something I'd expected him to say, and I looked up at him in surprise. 

Nokto: But you should be pleased all the same. We got to spend the whole night together, and you even got to see what I'm like first thing in the morning. I'd say you fulfilled your duties as Belle quite admirably. I mean. you were after a chance to get to know each of us more intimately, weren't you? 

Veronica: Not this sort of intimately! 

The words bursts out of me before I could stop them, but I could see the way his eyes were dancing, and I pressed my lips together, looking away. (I can't win this argument, and... you're clearly enjoying every minute of it. I've wasted too much time on you already. I need to be doing my duty as Belle... which means getting to know the princes who ARE worthy of being the king!)

Veronica: ...Forget it. 

Nokto: Oh? You looked like you were gearing up for a fight there. That's a bit anti-climatic. If you're having more trouble waking up,  I could do something more stimulating to help-

Veronica: No, thank you!

I leapt to my feet and stormed out of his room, not wanting to hear another word. But I could still hear his delighted laughter, even after I slammed the door shut behind me. (Right, that's it. I'm never going near you again! I've learned more than enough to know that you're the last prince I'd ever choose as the next king! So I don't need to know anything more!) I wanted more nothing than to head back to my own room and sleep for a week, but I knew I couldn't. I had to face the music, and the sooner the better. I knocked once, and then stepped into the room, and I was greeted immediately by a devilish smile, almost as if he'd been waiting for me. 

Sariel: I see you've been outfoxed already, Belle. 

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