~Chapter 5, Part 2~

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The flippant, light-hearted Nokto was nothing like the stiff, dour Licht. They were as different as night and day. (And I haven't seen either of you so much as look at each other. Not ever, now that I come to think of it. What on earth happened to drive you two apart? I glanced back and forth between the two of them, but I couldn't bring myself to ask. (I barely know either of you, and whatever it was, it must have been a big deal. If I'm meant to know, I'll find out in good time. But I wish I could do something to break this dreadful tension...) It felt like an awful way to start a trip together, and I racked my brains, trying to think of something to say to lighten the mood. 

Jin: Hey, you two, enough of that. You're making poor Veronica uncomfortable. 

(Jin! Boy am I glad to see you!) 

Veronica: Are you coming too, Jin?

Jin: Nope, sorry, just Nokto and Licht. But I thought I'd come see you all off. Come on, Licht, if you keep glaring like that you'll glare a hole into Sariel's head. Think of this trip as your duty-as helping the people of Rhodolite. 

Licht: Then you go. 

Jin: I'd love to, but I've got an important date with several very pretty ladies tonight. It's not easy being popular, you know. 

Licht's frown seemed to darken further as he turned his glare on Jin. 

Jin: Okay, okay, joking aside... If you spend all day every day training, you'll lose sight of what really matters. You need to get outside sometimes, get some fresh air, see some new scenery. And I'd really appreciate it if you'd take good care of our Belle. 

(So far I've only ever seen your flirtatious side, but... clearly there's more to you than meets the eye, Jin.)

Sariel: Prince Licht, I would also like to ask you again to reconsider. 

Licht: ...Fine, I'll go. 

Jin: Whew, I'm glad to hear it! 

It was clear that Licht was still reluctant, but Jin smiled broadly all the same, clapping him lightly on the shoulder. Then he strolled past the twins and towards me, patting me on the shoulder as well, but more gently.

Jin: Sariel's clever devil, getting these extreme opposites together like this for you. 

He leaned in close, his  voice pitched for me alone, and as I looked up in surprise, he winked at me.

Jin: Make sure you spend your trip getting to know them both, Belle. 

Veronica: I will. 

I smiled back at Jin, suddenly grateful that he'd helped convince Licht to join us. 

Rio: Ver! I got the bossman's permission! I'm coming tooooo! 

Veronica: Rio?! 

I'd thought I was going alone with Nokto, but suddenly we were a party of four. As soon as I joined Nokto inside the carriage Rio came scrambling in after me. 

Nokto: There's only room for two people in here. Get your boy to ride a horse or something. 

Rio: I'm just her pet, so there's room for me! Right, Ver?

Veronica: Rio-

Rio sounded so ridiculously proud of himself, and Nokto burst out laughing before I could contradict him.

Nokto: Ahahaha! Her pet, huh? I guess that makes it okay, then. 

(...I'm not sure I even want to be a part of this conversation.) As the carriage began to move, I sighed and turned to stare out the window, my head already beginning to ache. (No wonder Sariel had a headache just from trying to arrange this trip. I don't envy his position!) As the carriage followed the curve of the road, I spotted Licht on horseback behind us, leading a troop of mounted soldiers.

Nokto: Hmm? How can you be so easily distracted when you've got two handsome men right in front of you?

Nokto's voice sounded far too close, and I turned quickly to find him leaning in towards me, his eyes bright with amusement. 

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