~Chapter 6, His Side Story~

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Nokto: The truth is... I've gotten engaged. 

Every single person in the room stared at me, wide-eyed, and I heard them collectively catch their breath in surprise. (Mmm, just as I expected. But this is where it gets interesting. For me, anyway.) 

Nokto: I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to keep any secrets from you... and so I brought my fiancee along so I could introduce her to you. 

(Now, how are you going to react?) I smiled brightly, turning to look at Veronica and gesturing for her to come closer. 

Nokto: This is my fiancee, Veronica Rodwick.

Her eyes widened further, and she stared at me, looking like a cornered rabbit. Her expression was even better than I'd hoped for, and my smile was genuine this time. (That's right. That's the exact role I need you to play right now.) I'd known she was too honest to be able to lie convincingly, but her honesty was the key to making this whole thing work. (If I'd told you the truth, you'd have played so part so poorly that these shrewd old men would never have brought it. But I guess that's why they say to deceive your allies first, hmm?) My pretend fiancee was trembling, looking nervous, uncertain, and overwhelmed, and I murmured her name, my voice gentle and intimate. 

Nokto: Ver...

I knew she was probably furious with me for putting her in this position, and trying desperately to figure a way out of it. Her gaze moved unwillingly towards me, and I could see the complex mix of emotions in her eyes-and the plea for me to fix things somehow. I lowered my gaze to the neckline of her dress, and the thin chain disappearing beneath it, and I heard her catch her breath in understanding. The diamond ring I'd given her was hanging off that necklace, hidden inside her dress. (I knew I was onto something when I decided to figure out your ring size.) It had been the night I'd carried her home in my arms, and as she'd snuggled up against me in bed, I'd taken the opportunity to study her lovely fingers. (Still, even I'm surprised that it led to this.)

Nokto: It's okay, Ver. We don't need to keep it a secret any longer, or tell any more lies. 

I smiled as I unclasped the necklace for her; the diamond sparkled in the light, as flawless as the lie I was conjuring. Veronica was so close I could feel her trembling, and I gazed directly into her eyes as I slid the ring from its chain. (It doesn't matter who you're trying to deceive- All you need to cover up the truth is a flawless lie and a dazzling jewel.) 

Nokto: The truth is... Veronica is a commoner. There'd be an uproar if it were found out, so we've been keeping it a closely guarded secret. I made her promise not to tell anyone, and to make up whatever sort of lie she had to, in order to keep it a secret from everyone. 

The most convincing lies were made up of half-truths, after all, and her reaction made my words all the more believable. 

Nokto: But you don't have to lie anymore, Ver. You can finally wear this with pride. 

I gently took her left hand in mine, and slid the diamond ring onto her ring finger. I felt nothing in the moment, except triumphant that my plan was going so well. (But I know how important this gesture is to other people. This is the final act, the climatic moment that seals this lie as truth. The ring was a perfect fit, and I gazed adoringly into Ver's eyes as I listened to the sudden, excitedly whispers from all around me. It was all an act, of course, but I'd seen enough adoringly couples to know exactly how they looked at each other. (Although, now that I think about it- I've given plenty if expensive jewelry to women over the years, but never a ring before.) Rings as gifts held far too much meaning-meaning I wasn't interested in being burdened with. And I certainly didn't care to get engaged to anyone. (And the best part is, I'm giving it to a woman who refuses to even accept that I'm a prince.)


Veronica: I'm done with you. I refuse to accept that you're a real prince at all. Sariel told me I have to choose one of the princes as the king, but I don't even see you as a prince, so there's no way I'm ever choosing you!

**end of flashback**

(You certainly surprised me with that one.) Women had called me all sorts of things when they realized I was dumping them, but that one had been new, and hard-hitting, and I grinned. (But then again... Everything about you surprises me. Including the way you're so good at resisting my charms.) My thoughts were busy, but they always were, and I ignored them as I held her gaze, making sure my smile was still flawless. 

Nokto: Now you truly are my fiancee, both in name and reality. And these fine Benitoitians will bear witness to that. 

Veronica: I'm so happy right now...

It was clear she was too stunned by the situation to say anything more, but she didn't need to. Her breathless words were enough, and I knew the suddenly jubilant merchants would hear them differently to how I heard them. 

Nokto: I know, I'm happy, too.

(I bet I know how this looks to everyone else.) It was a romantic moment straight out of a storybook, the sort of moment people longed for, and talked fondly of for years after. But what I felt was anything but romantic, and I knew romance was the last thing on her mind, too. (I'm looking forward to hearing what you say to me when this is all over, Veronica.) I'd tricked my fiancee at the same time as I'd tricked the merchants-but was she angry? Or was she disgusted? (Or maybe you'll be too exhausted to say anything at all. Either way, I should make the most of this while it lasts.) I was struck with a sudden sense of mischief, and I took her hand, twining my fingers with hers. She started a little, and I felt the ways he tensed, as if she wanted to pull away from me. But after a moment she relaxed again, accepting my touch, and my grin widened. Her eyes moved towards me, and though she remained silent, that intense stare made it painfully clear what she was thinking. (Hmm? You filthy, dirty conman? Why yes, that would be me.) I continued to smile sweetly at her, but inside, I was shaking with laughter. To those around us, she was my beloved fiancee, but in truth, she was my furious partner-in-crime. And I was looking forward to the moment when she was finally able to let that fury free. As the celebratory went on around us, I found myself wondering if she'd pull the ring off and throw it in my face. After all, it was a fake engagement ring, for a fake fiancee. It meant nothing to either of us, and it never would. 

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