~Chapter 7, Part 3~

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As soon as the two princes stepped through the door and into the view, I understood what Sariel had meant. Chevalier was covered from head to toe on blood-more blood than I'd ever seen in my life. (I don't-) Yet his expression was so calm that it was clear to me it meant nothing to him, and somehow that made it much, much worse. I felt frozen, unable to move as the two men strode across the entrance hall, coming closer with each step. (You look the same as you do every other day... except you're absolutely covered in blood. How is this normal?) I wanted desperately to keep my calm, to make sense of it, but my heart was clamoring wildly, and my thoughts were screaming. (I need to know what happened. It's my duty, as Belle, to know what and why. But-ugh, I don't dare ask. I can't-) And the worst part was, I didn't really need to ask. The answer was all too clear. I suddenly realize what a naive fool I'd been, thinking that I could get to know the princes just by sharing a few meals with them. 

Clavis: Hmm? Fancy seeing you here, Belle! What's wrong? You look too stunned to speak. 

(I am. Or I was. But this is my duty, and I'm not giving it up. Not even for this.) I took a deep breath and let it out again, trying to calm the emotions threatening to overwhelm me. 

Veronica: I'm sorry-I'm not quite used to seeing anything like this. 

Clavis: Oh, right! Sorry for coming home reeking of blood! We found more playmates than we were expecting, you know? Hahaha! 

Clavis was smiling, and Chevalier's expression was flat and empty, and I didn't know which was worse. But the sight of Chevalier's red-stained cloak, swirling around him with each step, made me blanch. 

Clavis: Still, since when did you start acting like one of the maids? I mean, I thought you'd ask us something a little more Belle-like. Wait, that reminds me-I heard whispers about you being that brazen clown's lover too. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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