~Chapter 1, Part 4~

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The moment I returned to my room, a group of maids surrounded me. I barely knew what was happening, but I soon found myself standing in front of the mirror, staring at someone I barely recognized. (I look amazing! I've never wore anything this fancy before! But-)

Veronica: Do I really need to dress up like this for every single meal?

Nokto: Not for every meal, no. But since tonight is a big social function, I thought you ought to look extra nice. 

Veronica: Wait, there's a social function tonight? Here at the palace? But-

Nokto: Not quite.

His smile was as vague as his answers, and I turned away from the mirror, feeling more frustrated with each one. 

Veronica: Nokto, could you stop dancing around the topic, and-

Nokto's Attendant: Your Highness, the carriage is ready to depart. 

The man bowed as he entered the room, his quiet words interrupting mine as id he hadn't even noticed me speaking.

Nokto: Are you ready to go? 

Veronica: Go where, exactly? 

Nokto: I thought I just told you that. A social function.

In spite of my frustration, I was curious, and I hurried after Nokto as he strolled out of my room. It wasn't until we were sitting inside the carriage and it was driving away that I started to regret my impulsivity. 

Veronica: Hang on, where are the other princes? 

Nokto: Hmm? Oh, they're not coming, I'm the only royalty attending tonight's function.

Veronica: Hey, you could've told me that before I get in the carriage!

Nokto: Oh, right. Sorry about that. Well, we're already on our way now, so I guess you're coming along all the same. Think of tonight as your chance to focus on me, and me alone. 

Veronica: What makes you so sure I want to? 

Nokto: ...I'm surprised you even have to ask. 

Nokto smirked, his gaze holding mine as he moved smoothly from the seat across from me to the spot right next to me. He tilted his head, giving me a sultry, sidelong glance, and his knowing smile deepened as he learned towards me. 

Nokto: Or do you need a more physical demonstration? 

His breath warmed my cheek as he licked his lips suggestively, and there was no doubt as to what he was offering. I suddenly wanted to slap him so badly that my hand twitched, but I managed to stop myself just in time. (You're clearly a creep of the worst possible kind, but... unfortunately for me, you're also a prince.) I had a pretty good idea of what could happen to me if I slapped one of the most powerful men in the kingdom. I gritted my teeth in frustration, clenching my hands in my skirts instead, and Nokto's smile deepened. 

Nokto: And here I was, hoping for a chance to experience the famous Belle slap that so impressed Sariel. Still, I'm not surprised that you'd think twice about slapping a prince. 

Veronica: Who said it had anything to do with you being a prince? I just know slapping you right now won't actually change anything. 

(But wait, if you were hoping to experience it... does that mean you did that on purpose to get a rise out of me?)

Nokto: Well then, in honor of your level-headedness, I will pretend you never even considered it at all. 

His smoldering gaze held mine captive, and without warning, he reached out, catching my hand in his and lifting it to his lips. 

Veronica: Hey-!

The kiss he pressed against the back of my hand was gentle and gracious, yet there was an underlying passion to it that sent a thrill right through me. I yanked my hand free, hating that I'd reacted at all, and turned to stare determinedly out the carriage window instead. (I can't believe I let myself get talked into this!)

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