~Chapter 6, Part 2~

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Nokto: It's okay, Ver. We don't need to keep it a secret any longer. or tell any more lies. 

Nokto's smile was gentle, but his gaze at it met mine held the smug confidence of a man whose plan was going exactly as intended. (Is that why you gave me this ring? Or did the idea come to you after?) Either way, he'd tricked me just as completely as he'd tricked everyone else, and there was no getting out of it now. If I didn't play along, I risked jeopardizing Rhodolite's alliance with Benitoite. 

Nokto: The truth is... Veronica is a commoner. There'd be an uproar if it were found out, so we've been keeping it closely guarded secret. I made her promise not to tell anyone, and to make up whatever sort of lie she had to, in order to keep it a secret from everyone.

He reached out, deftly undoing the clasp of the chain I wore, and sliding the diamond ring free. 

Nokto: But you don't have to lie anymore, Ver. You can finally wear this with pride. 

He took my head in his, gazing directly into my eyes he slid the ring onto my ring finger... and it was a perfect fit. I heard soft, excited whispers from the merchants at the table. and that's when I knew his plan had worked. 

Nokto: Now you truly are my fiancee, both in name and reality. And these fine Benitoitians will bear witness to that. 

Veronica: I'm so happy right now...

Nokto: I know. I'm happy, too.

He was smiling sweetly at me, and I put on the best performance of my life, smiling right back at him. My eyes were even watering, and he seemed delighted by that, reaching up to brush away a tear. But they weren't tears of joy-because inside my heart, I was screaming at him. (You filthy, dirty conman!!)

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