~Chapter 3, Part 1~

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Sariel: I see you've been outfoxed already, Belle. 

I was still angry at Nokto for what had happened, but Sariel's calm gaze made me feel guilty, and I bowed my head. 

Veronica: I'm sorry. I know you gave me a really important job to do, and...

I trailed off, unsure how to even explain what had happened, and I heard his sigh of resignation. I stood there silently, staring down at my feet and wondering what sort of punishment I could expect from a man like Sariel. 

Sariel: Considering who outfoxed you, I sympathize. However, as you said yourself you have an important job to accomplish. Do not let it happen again. 

Veronica: I won't. And... I really am so, so sorry. 

I lifted my skirts in a curtsey, feeling grateful I was getting off so lightly, and then I dared to glance up at last, only to find him frowning with concern. 

Sariel: Prince Nokto spends more  time getting acquainted with women than all his brothers combined. Or to put it more bluntly, he's a problem child who causes one scandal after another. 

(That's certainly one way to describe him!) 

Sariel: But as I told you, they are all beasts, and it is far too easy to end up their meal. 


Sariel: But do be careful that you yourself do not end up becoming their evening meal. They are beasts, after all. 

**end of flashback**

(Wait, are you saying you knew something like this was going to happen? Is that why you warned me? Surely even you couldn't have predicted Nokto would do something like that? But then again...) His gaze was sharp as it met mine, and I felt a sudden stab of unease as I wondered just how much he knew. (I should stop overthinking this before I start to scare myself. Right now I just need to focus on being more careful going forward.)

Sariel: I can tell by your appearance that nothing untoward happened last night. And I expected as much of Prince Nokto himself. But keep in mind that others are not as perceptive, and will view things differently. The palace is a gossip haven, and rumors spread very quickly. 

Veronica: ...Right. 

Sariel: And I hardly expect this to be a concern with a man like Prince Nokto, but... There is also Clause 99 to consider. 

(Wait, Clause 99? What are you talking about?) 

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