~Chapter 4, Part 5~

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Sariel: Are you ready, Veronica? 

Veronica: ...I'm ready. 

Sariel: Then please begin the test.

Without any warning, Sariel had sprung a test on me-and it was clear he expected me to know everything in the books he'd given me on day one. My heart was still racing several hours later as I sat waiting for him to tally up my results. A sudden sigh filled the room, and I jumped a mile looking up to see him frowning down at my test. (Oh no, not good!)

Veronica: Did I do that badly?

(I honestly thought I did okay, but if you're sighing like that-)

Sariel: No, not at all. You scored 93 out of 100. You passed the test.

Veronica: Oh! Phew! Wait, but then why are you sighing like that?

Sariel: We have received a sudden invitation from Benitoite that is somewhat delicate from a diplomatic standpoint, and there is a matter causing me grief. 

(But Benitoite and Rhodolite are allies, right? I thought we were on really good terms with them?)

Veronica: What's the problem, exactly? 

Sariel: The problem is not the invitation itself, but rather who to send as our ambassador. Prince Leon would be the most suitable, but unfortunately he is away with his troops on a training mission. Prince Chevalier is also away, as he often is. Which naturally means that Prince Clavis is gone, too. And Prince Jin is avoiding me so that he can go off galivanting around with young women instead... It's as if there is nobody suitable for the position left to send. Well, that's not precisely true. There is someone, however... they will only agree to be the ambassador on one condition. And that condition is... you, Veronica. You will be expected to accompany them. 

Veronica: What? Why?

My thoughts had been so consumed by the test that I was struggling to follow along with this new topic, and Sariel sighed again. 

Sariel: If you would but agree to go with them, perhaps this headache would stop ailing me, and I could get on with my duties. However... 

(This is all happening too fast, and I don't know what's going on, and I don't like the sound of it at all. But I know you well enough to know you wouldn't suggest this without a good reason.)

Veronica: I don't know what good I'm going to do, but... if you need me to go, then I'll go. 

Sariel sat up straight at once, the worry and distress vanishing from his expression in an instant. 

Sariel: I thought you'd say that. 

(Hang on... was that whole headache thing just a ruse to get me to agree?) I frowned suspiciously at him, but he only continued to smile at me, and I sighed. 

Sariel: And now that it's decided, I suggest you go and get more suitably attired for the trip. You will be leaving as soon as you are ready. 

Veronica: What? Oh, okay. Um-

But before I could say another word, he was shooting me out of the room. The conversation was clearly over, and I didn't dare ask him anything else. (But... Sariel, you never told me who the ambassador is!)

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