~Chapter 2, Part 3~

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Duke: May I inquire as to what your relationship with His Highness is? 

Veronica: Oh-well-

(Dammit, Nokto, I'd almost rather tell the truth than have to pretend that we're a couple or something!) I bit my lip, avoiding to the duke's gaze, and then I felt a warm arm slip easily around my waist. 

Nokto: Our relationship is a secret, so I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from asking further. 

Duke: Hahaha! You're right, that was quite tactless of me. Forget I said anything. 

(Okay, well, that's one way to get out of it without actually admitting anything, but-) I threw Nokto a quick glance, and he winked at me in return. 

Nokto: By the way, Your Grace... may I inquire about a certain something I requested of you? 

Duke: By all means. I'll have it sent to your carriage. 

Nokto: I'd appreciate that, thank you. 

Duke: But that's quite enough talk of business. Come with me. I've prepared a special place, just for you. 

We followed the duke across the room, to a corner that seemed to have been reserved for Nokto as if he were guest of honor. As we sat down on the plush sofa, the duke assured us that he'd have Nokto's favorite red wine sent over immediately, and then he wandered off into the crowd. It felt surreal to be treated as such a special guest, even if it was only because of who I was there with, and I glanced over at Nokto. He seemed entirely at ease as he accepted the glasses of red wine brought to us by a servant, sipping from one and then offering me the other. 

Nokto: ...There's no need to be shy. It's good wine. 

Veronica: I'm fine. 

(I'm not here to have fun-I'm here to do my job as Belle. I wanted to get to know all the princes tonight... but failing that, I can at least get to know you.)

Nokto: Really? Well, if you don't want to drink, you're welcome to go and find some other way to amuse yourself. Oh, but just be careful you don't let anyone take you home with them. We all know how those things end. 

(Is that seriously all you ever think about?)

Veronica: I'm here to do my duty! I'm not here to drink, and I'm certainly not here to find someone to go home with! 

I scowled at him, regretting for the millionth time that I'd ever gotten into the carriage with him, and something in his gaze shifted. 

Nokto: You say that, but- 

He reached out, catching my hand before I could think to pull away, and then he leaned in close, his lips brushing lightly against my ear. 

Nokto: If you keep acting so uptight, people will start to doubt our story. And surely even someone as serious as you can still have fun every once in a while. Or do you intend to put a damper on everyone's evening? All these fine people here just to relax and enjoy themselves? 

(How is this my fault? You're the one who dragged me here without even telling me what was going on! ) But his words about the other guests doubting my story made me uneasy, and I looked away from him, trying to calm my expression. I smoothed my skirts, wondering how a noblewoman would act in this sort of situation, and then the music started up again, a little louder than before. 

Nokto: I suppose you're feeling put out because I'm the one who dragged you along with me in the first place, right? 

Nokto set aside his wine glass and stood up suddenly, his provocative smile at odds with the gracefulness of his movements. 

Nokto: But since you clearly feel out of your depth here, this seems the perfect time to show you something that'll make you feel better. 

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