~Chapter 6, Part 4~

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Licht: If you really think so, then I was right-you do have poor judgement. 

Veronica: I'm sorry? 

Licht: He was intending to do that all along. That's why he took you with him. That's what he's like. 

Veronica: Wait-

But Licht was already spurring his horse, and he rode off towards the stables before I could say another word. (It's like I'm the only one who didn't know.) I'd already been wondering how long Nokto had been planning his con, and Licht's words confirmed my suspicions. But I was still struggling with the idea that a flippant playboy like Nokto could be so calculated. (Hang on, what did he say in the carriage? About the information he brought from the duke? Don't tell me-)


Nokto: By the way, Your Grace... may I inquire about a certain something I requested of you?

Duke: By all means. I'll have it sent to your carriage.

Nokto: I'd appreciate that, thank you.

**end of flashback**

(Does that mean you've been planning this whole thing for days? You were one step ahead of everyone, the whole time, weren't you?) I could picture his foxy, voluptuous smile in my head, and I quickly banished it. (I thought you only cared about one thing!) Sariel sent for me almost as soon as I returned, and when I stepped into his office, I was almost relieved to see his familiar, devilish smile. 

Sariel: Welcome back. How was your first diplomatic trip? 

Veronica: ...I don't even know where to begin.

I hesitated only a moment before I explained everything that had happened. 

Veronica: So now we're apparently engaged! What happens when our allies find out they've been lied to? I don't see how it can end well! And I'm certain he planned the whole thing well in advance. That's why he insisted on taking me with him. Licht said as much, too, and-

I paused suddenly as I realized Sariel was simply listening and nodding, his expression as calm as ever. 

Veronica: ...I didn't expect you to take this so calmly. 

Sariel: I believe you and Prince Licht are both right. He planned this in advance. And I must admit, I'm impressed all over again at how resourceful he really is. 

Veronica: ...You are? 

I stared at Sariel in surprise, and he inclined his head, sitting back in his chair. 

Sariel: You haven't forgotten how vitally important it is that we keep the king's passing a secret have you? 

Veronica: No, I haven't. 

Sariel: However, it is possible that they have caught wind of the truth. 

Veronica: What? Are you sure? 

Sariel: It is only a possibility. But there is no doubt that their sudden invitation was sent with the intention of sounding us out. If we had claimed that we weren't hiding anything from them, it would only have made them more suspicious. As such, we needed to give them an answer-something that they could believe. And not only that, it needed to be something that would explain why Nokto was the visiting ambassador, and not one of his brothers. 

Veronica: So what you're saying is... 

Sariel: Prince Nokto's story was the best possible solution to all of these problems. You see, the merchants you visited is one of the wealthiest and most influential merchants in Benitoite. Few would ever dare cross him. Although I send a personal guard with you, I could hardly send a large force without showing disrespect. Considering the gravity of our secret, and the possibility they knew of it, your lives may have been in danger if our answer had displeased him. The situation was, in fact, quite dire. 

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