The Princes Speak

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Leon: I wasn't expecting to see you again. 

Veronica: Wait-Leon?!

(Okay, today is just getting weirder and weirder!) It had only been a few hours earlier that I'd met him in town, and at that time, he'd been dressed much like everyone else. Yet here he was, wearing clothes that probably cost more than my house, sitting calmly at the table with a smirk on his face. 

Sariel: Please be more careful, Veronica. You mustn't address a prince like that. 

Leon: Don't worry about it. I'm the one who told her not to get all formal with me. 

Veronica: Wait-you're a prince?! 

Leon: Yep, that's right. We're all princes here. 

(This has to be a dream, right? This sort of thing just doesn't happen to people like me!) For a brief moment I actually felt like I was going to faint, and then Sariel placed his hand on my shoulder. His grip was firm, but it was there to warn me, not reassure me, and I knew then that I wasn't dreaming. 

Sariel: Thank you all for answering my summons so promptly. As previously discussed, we will now proceed with the ceremony to appoint the next Belle. 

(Okay, there it is again, and I swear it's on the tip of my tongue, but... I can't remember why 'Belle' is so important!)

Sariel: To start with, the young lady's name is Veronica Rodwick. Now, since this is your first meeting, I'd appreciate it if you'd all introduce yourselves... starting with you, Prince Luke. 

Luke: Do I have to? 

Sariel: Your Highness... 

Luke: Okay, okay, I'll do it. 

Luke sat the closest to where I stood, and he looked to be the tallest, but he was slouching so much it was hard to be sure. 

Luke: I'm Luke Randolph. I'm the Seventh... no, the Eighth Prince, or something like that. 

Nokto: I'm the Seventh Prince, Nokto Klein. You're welcome to visit me anytime... in my bedroom. And next up is my twin brother...

Litch: ...the Sixth Prince. Licht Klein. 

Yves: I'm the Fifth Prince, Yves Kloss. I'm telling you my name because I have to, but that doesn't mean you get to address me by it! 

Jin: I'm Jin Grandet. I'm the eldest of this lot, and that makes me the First Prince. We're all problem children here, but do your best with us, okay? 

Clavis: I'm the Third Prince, Clavis Lelouch. Just call me Clavis, okay? That show you put on earlier today was quite amusing. You liked it too, didn't you, Chev? 

Chevalier: It was ridiculous. But considering the courage you showed, I will at least tell you my name. I am the Second Prince, Chevalier Michel. 

Leon: And that makes me lucky last. I'm Leon Dompteur, and I'm Rhodolite's Fourth Prince. It's good to meet you again, Veronica. 

Veronica: Um-yeah, you too. But... I still don't actually know what's going on. Why am I here? 

Yves: Excuse me? You came all the way to the palace not even knowing that? 

Veronica: I was kidnapped, thankyouverymuch! 

Luke: What? Sariel, did you kidnap her/ 

Sariel: I am saddened to hear you say such dreadful things about me. She is here of her own free will. 

Veronica: I am?

Sariel: You are. Aren't you? 

His smile told me I would be wise to shut my mouth, and shut my mouth I did. 

Sariel: It is a long-held tradition in Rhodolite that each new king shall be chosen by a commoner... and the commoner selected to fulfill that solemn duty is given the title of Belle. 

(Oh, wait-it's been so long since I last heard anyone talk about this, but I remember now!)

Veronica: And they're called Belle because they have a pure, beautiful heart, right? That's what allows them to make the correct choice. 

Sariel: Yes, that's right. 

(The last king took the throne before I was even born, so it's no wonder I forgot! Wait, hang on, forget the history lesson-)

Veronica: ...You mean I'm the next Belle? 

Sariel: That's what I've been saying all this time. You will be choosing one of the princes here to be the next king of Rhodolite. 

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