~Chapter 4, Part 1~

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Nokto: Don't you want to have a little more fun with me? 

Nokto turned his head a little, his breath warming my skin, and his lips brushed against my ear as he spoke. (Dammit, what am I doing? What are YOU doing?) That light touch jerked me back to reality, and I was suddenly furious with him for toying with me again. Without thinking, I lifted my hand to slap him but he caught my wrist in midair, just before my hand could connect with his cheek. 

Nokto: Oops, that was close. I see you didn't hesitate this time. 

He was smirking at me, looking smugly pleased, and I realized suddenly that he'd been provoking me on purpose again. (I don't believe you!) I yanked free of his grip, my cheeks burning, partly with mortification, partly with anger. (I don't care how you acted at that party-)

Veronica: I'm done with you. I refuse to accept that you're a real prince at all. 

(You may have royal blood, but that's not enough to make you a prince! Not in my eyes!)

Veronica: Sariel told me I have to choose one of the princes as the king, but I don't even see you as a prince, so there's no way I'm ever choosing you!

I spat the words out, and Nokto's eyes went wide for just a moment. Then he was laughing, a full, merry sound that filled the room and went on and on. (I'm furious with you, and all you can do is laugh?!) 

Veronica: You're the most frivolous, shallow person I've ever met! 

Nokto: Are you sure you're not just too serious for your own good? I mean really, look at you-getting so worked up over something so trivial. Still, you refuse to accept me as a real prince, huh? Haha! Well, I can see how you'd reach that conclusion. But unfortunately for you, it doesn't matter what you think. My father was the king, so I've been a prince since the moment I was born. 

Veronica: I don't care. This is about my perception of you. I don't see you as a prince, or a possible future king-you're just a dangerous, dishonest idiot. 

(I can't believe I ever let my guard down around you. But I'm not wasting anymore time on you!) He was still smirking at me, and I couldn't stand to look at that handsome face or those dark, pretty eyes any longer. 

Veronica: I need to go and find the actual princes. Would you kindly get out of my way? 

Nokto: If I say no, will you slap me for real this time? 

I drew in a breath, but before I could say anything, he stepped to one side, his grin widening. He gestured to the door with a grand flourish, the movements elegant, graceful... and princely. (Ugh, you're doing that on purpose to annoy me! But if I keep reacting to every little thing, this will never end.) I pressed my lips together and strode past him, refusing to give him so much as another glance. 

Nokto: You'll probably find him in the gardens. 

The words followed me out into the corridor, and despite knowing better, I glanced back. Nokto's grin widened as our eyes met, and he winked at me. 

 Nokto: You owe me one. 

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