~Chapter 4, Part 2~

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Nokto: You owe me one. 

But instead of answering him, I slammed the door in his face, blocking that smug smile from my sight. (I didn't ask you for that, so I don't owe you anything! And I'm never going near you again if I can help it!) 


As Veronica headed out towards the palace gardens- Sariel moved silently through the palace, his expression taut. 

Nokto: What's up, Sariel? You look even gloomier than usual. Did something bad happen?

Sariel looked up, his frown vanishing instantly, and an aloof smile replaced it. 

Sariel: Well, if it isn't Prince Nokto. It's nothing, really... aside from a certain prince being spotted carrying a certain young lady to his room late at night. It takes no end of effort to put out spot fires like that before they become blazes too big to ignore. 

Nokto: Really. Well I'm sure a certain prince appreciates your efforts. Oh, and by the way. I have a message from that prince. He knows why you found her slap so captivating-he's quite delighted with it himself. 

Sariel: ...I see. 

Sariel searched Nokto's gaze for a moment, and then a quiet, resigned sigh escaped them. 

Sariel: Prince Nokto, you seem to be even more keen than usual to play with fire. I didn't think you'd have any need to go after Belle as well, not when you already have two or three dozen playmates at your beck and call... ...Oh, did I say that out loud?

Nokto: Isn't it obvious? It's because she's Belle. 

Their eyes met and held, and though their expressions gave nothing away, amusement lurked both their gazes. 

Nokto: A new king is being chosen. That's a one-in-a-lifetime event for anyone. Some people will never even live to see it. You should know better than anyone that the jester had an important part to play in an event as grand as this. It's no fun if everything goes according to plan. 

Sariel: Are you saying you did that in order to cause chaos in the royal court, and disrupt the selection of the next king?

Nokto: Why else would I do it? You don't think I'm actually interested in Belle, do you? Ahahaha!

Nokto burst out laughing as he strolled off down the corridor again, leaving Sariel behind him. 

Sariel: Where are you going? 

Nokto: To see a woman. 

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