~Chapter 1, Part 1~

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I'd always thought love was something pure, and sweet... something virtuous. And then I fell in love. And it was nothing like I'd imagined. The seventh prince was a scandalous womanizer, a bewitching trickster-a man who lived a life built on nothing but lies. He was a beast cloaked in the hedonic allure of late-night tryst, who beguiled and misled everyone using his gaze, his gestures, and even his voice liked honeyed traps. Falling in love with a man like that was the last thing I'd ever have dreamed of. It was the last thing anyone in their right mind would yearn for. But as I learned his past, and discovered who he really was under those layers of lies... I lost myself in the love of a lifetime. This is the story of how a prince who lied about everything finally came to believe in true love. A story of how all his lies were stripped away until at last all that was left was the brilliant, vivid truth. 

Rio: Okay, so we've been through the audience rooms, the banquet hall, the reception area, and... Oh, right, and the music rooms, the galleries, and the theater! So this part of the palace is done! 

Rio had taken me on a dizzying tour, and somehow, we were back where we'd started-or at least, it looked like the same place. It had been at least an hour since we'd parted ways with Sariel, and my head was spinning as I tried to remember everything. (I knew the palace was big, sure, but I wasn't expecting all this!) 

Rio: Come on, Ver, this way! I have to show you around this section next! 

Veronica: Wait-there's more? I thought you said we were done! 

Rio: We're only done with the public space, where everyone works and socializes! Now, come over here... do you see how the design of this part of the palace looks symmetrical? Well, this side here is used by Prince Leon's faction, and then that side over there is used by Prince Chevalier's faction! 

Rio sounded so upbeat as he explained everything, and I watched in wonder as he darted ahead, opening doors left and right for me to peer into. The corridor we were in already seemed impossibly long, yet more corridors led off in all directions, spreading out like the spokes of a wheel. We were moving into the private space, where the royal family lived, and beyond that seemed to be quarters for servants and royal guards. (This place is like a maze! How does anyone find their way around? I might need to start carrying breadcrumbs... or maybe a ball of thread!) But it wasn't just the size of the palace that had me confused, and I couldn't keep my mouth shut any longer. 

Veronica: Rio... you only started working here a few hours ago, right? 

(How did you remember everything so quickly? And why do you look so at home? I barely even know which direction we're facing!) 

Rio: Yep, but it turns out I'm actually pretty good at this sort of thing. And if it makes things easier for you, then I'm all for it! 

(We've been friends for years, but you still keep finding new ways to surprise me.)

Veronica: Thanks, I appreciate it. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here. 

Rio: Aww, Ver, you're going to make me blush! Now come on, we've still got half a palace to explore! Follow me! 

The sky turned dazzling reds and golds, and then darkened to deep blue as day slowly began to fade into night. The last place Rio had shown me was my own room, and I flopped gratefully down onto the bed, sighing in appreciation of how soft it was. (I know I'm going to be here for a month, but I'm still not sure I'll even remember where half those rooms are by the end of it...) I rolled over onto my back and stared up at the ceiling, frowning a little. (I guess it's not that important though, is it? I'm here to do a specific job, and I want to focus on doing it well.) It was still hard to believe that I'd been chosen to represent the people of Rhodolite, and choose one of the princes as the next king. (I'll have to start off by getting to know all of the princes. Which means I need to-) My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door, and I sat up with a start. I hurried over and opened the door, only to find Sariel standing on the far side, smirking at me. (That's the smile of a devil, and I'm not sure I want to hear whatever it is you're about to say.)

Veronica: ...Yes? 

Sariel: It pains me to admit this, but... I forgot something. 

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