Celebration of the Elements

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After Marigold and Ash healed, there was a feast to celebrate the finals tomorrow. I started at the grand and pristine dining table and sat down in a chair with a fire symbol. Marigold and Ash sat on either side of me, completely ignoring each other. 

I was gonna ask what was up between them, but I decided against it. They had a very heated battle, so I assumed that they were just cooling down. 

After a few minutes, Onyx, Aspen, and Brooke came. They all sat at the opposite side of the table. Brooke and Aspen had seats that were right next to each other, so when Aspen pulled out Brooke's seat for her and beckoned her to sit, Brooke noticeably blushed and sat down. It seemed like Aspen didn't notice or care. He just smiled at Brooke and sat down. Andromeda appeared out of nowhere and sat at the head of the table. 

"Today, we are gathered here to celebrate our two warriors, Ash and Everett, who made it to the finals." Andromeda announced. I nodded, and Ash blushed slightly at the mention of our names. Andromeda continued. "I wish them good luck, don't we all?" Everyone else nodded. "Now, let the feast begin!" 

Everyone eyed their plates, wondering where the food was. Andromeda laughed. 

"Pardon me, I forgot to tell you. Think of the food you want and it will appear on your plate." People closed their eyes, and varieties of food appeared in front of them. There were an assortment of raw and cooked fish and seaweed in front of Brooke, which she happily started munching on with a dipping sauce. A platter of vegetables appeared in front of Aspen, which he happily smelled and sighed because of the goodness. Onyx shrunk back in disgust, and ate his own meal of raven's wings and mushrooms. I stared at my plate of pepper stew, which smelled like my mother made it. A pang of homesickness went through me. I missed the cozy cottage I used to live in. I gingerly picked up a spoon and scooped up the stew. I tasted it, and it was the best thing I'd had in so long. Ash saw me, and she dug into an assortment of cooked meats from land animals. "So, what are you having for dinner?" Ash asked while trying to look into my dish.

"Pepper stew. Just like my mom's." I replied

"Who are your parents?" Ash asked.

"My dad was a fisherman. He went away to different places in the world to try and find fish that is safe to eat. The fish on our shores have too much mercury, so they are not safe to eat even if you cook them."

Ash wrinkled her face. "You mean Mercury, like the planet?"

I laughed. "No, mercury is a chemical slash element that is bad if you have too much."

Ash and I looked each other in the eyes. I didn't realize how beautiful her glimmering blue eyes were. Her silky white hair flowed over her shoulders, and it was shining against her bright blue shirt. Me and Ash smiled at each other. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye, someone was looking right at us. I broke eye contact with Ash and looked at Marigold. Ash realized and glanced at Marigold as well. I looked into her eyes but all I could see was hurt. I didn't know why but she looked offended that I was talking to Ash. Marigold realized I was looking at her and I saw tears fill her eyes. She got up so fast she shook the table. As she rushed out the door I was just confused. Brooke and Aspen had just looked up and sent me worried looks. I could tell they knew as little as I did. But Onyx looked like he had been looking at her the entire time. Onyx sent me a look of pure hate then got up and rushed to find Marigold. Ash tapped me on the shoulder and I twirled around to look at her. "Don't worry Everett, it's not your fault. I have no clue what happened to Marigold." I nodded. But I still couldn't put my foot on it. I just shrugged it off and went back to Ash's conversation.

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