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"Oh no, Grandpa! Are you okay? I rushed to his side as he clutched his chest, struggling to breathe.

"Did you call an ambulance, Madhu?" I asked, tears streaming down my face.

"Yes, they're on their way," she replied. I nodded, my gaze fixed on Grandpa.

"Don't worry, Grandpa. I promise everything will be alright," I reassured him, gripping his hand tightly as tears continued to flow uncontrollably.

Feeling completely helpless, I didn't know what to do. Seeing Grandpa in such pain made me feel sick to my stomach. But I knew I had to do something, even though my mouth felt dry.

"I'll give it one more minute. If the ambulance doesn't arrive by then, I'll drive him myself," I declared, placing my hand on Grandpa's forehead in an attempt to ease his pain, even though I knew it wouldn't make a difference.

I couldn't help him in any way.

"That's it, I'm getting my car," I said, about to leave the room when the sound of the ambulance siren reached my ears. I stepped back and looked at Madhu, nodding with a small sense of relief.

While my grandpa was being carried on a stretcher, I trailed behind. Suddenly, I encountered someone I didn't want to see - Uncle Alok.
Ignoring him, I continued walking until he grabbed my arm. I instinctively pulled away, causing him to look angry but he quickly masked it.

"What happened to your grandpa?" he inquired.

"It's none of your business," I replied before leaving the mansion.

I stayed with my grandpa in the ambulance as they monitored his vital signs. All I could do was hope and pray for the best.

Upon arrival at the hospital, he was promptly taken to the ICU.

I found a seat near the entrance of the ICU. Just moments ago, everything seemed fine.

He was talking to me as if it were any other night. Why did fate have to be so cruel? Tears welled up in my eyes, but I wiped them away.

"Oh, my dear nephew, don't cry. It doesn't suit you," Uncle Alok said.

I was so upset that I felt like throwing the nearby trash bin at him, but I managed to control my emotions.

"How rude of you to not even greet your uncle," he remarked, standing in front of me.

I had reached my limit. I rubbed my forehead, stood up, and faced him.

"Firstly, please keep your distance," I said, holding out my hand and stepping back.

"Secondly, you can see the chaos around me. I kindly ask you to leave me alone, or I might do something you won't like, and I'll have to face the consequences," I said, staring directly into his eyes.

"What a speech! But don't you want to find out who's responsible for what happened to your grandpa?" He said with a twisted smile on his lips.

"You did this?!" I exclaimed, my hand quickly covering my mouth as anger coursed through me.

"Oh my! Are you scared of me?" He asked, looking concerned, but I saw through his facade.

"That's right! You should be," he added, his expression stern.

"Committing such a heinous crime, how can you even speak?" I said, disgust evident as I clenched my fists tightly.

"You're falsely accusing me! I never admitted to anything," he said, smirking as he took a step back. "I have my men who do as I say, I don't even have to lift a finger," he boasted, turning to leave.

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