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"Attention, students! It has come to our attention that other universities have already commenced their internship programs. We've had several companies visit our campus to recruit interns. We are committed to providing you with the best opportunities, so we expect nothing less than outstanding placements from every one of you. We hope you understand the importance of this and will comply accordingly." The professor's words resonated with the students, who nodded in agreement.

"Now, let's delve into the details of your upcoming internships. Firstly, you will need to secure a placement where you will work for a month. During this time, you will gain valuable experience and knowledge, which you will then compile into a comprehensive report. This report will be submitted and later graded." With these final instructions, the professor concluded the class, leaving the students eager to embark on their internship journeys.

Asha inquired as she strolled out of the classroom, "Where can I find an internship?"

"Don't worry, you will surely get one. Rather I'll look into it later," Vani assured her, admitting, "I'm clueless about internships myself."

"I already have an internship lined up," Lina declared confidently as she exited the classroom.

"No one even asked you," Vani retorted, offending Lina.

"Just wait until you hear where I'll be interning. You're going to be green with envy. Humph!" Lina shot back before walking away.

"What an oddball," I remarked, while Vani and Asha exchanged knowing glances.
As I arrived at the mansion, I stepped out of my car and made my way inside.

Glancing to the left, I spotted Adhrit sitting with a drink in hand, facing away from the swimming pool, his profile illuminated by the reflection of the water.

He looked nothing short of ethereal. This was my first visit, and although I wanted to express my gratitude to him for everything he had done for me that day, I hesitated.

My recent discussion with Vani and Asha had left me feeling timid. With a heavy heart, I turned to leave, only to be stopped by his warm voice,

"You're back?" I nodded, freezing in my steps. "Take a seat," he gestured towards the chair next to him.

I slowly approached and sat down, watching him as he focused on his drink.

"Were you working?" I inquired, noticing the files and laptop nearby.

"Yes, I was," he replied casually. "How was your day?" he suddenly asked.

"Nothing special," I mumbled, avoiding his gaze. "Oh, we were briefed on internships today," I added, fidgeting nervously.

"Any companies in mind?" he queried gently.

"I haven't decided yet," I confessed, feeling a bit self-conscious, about wanting to thank him.

I looked at him and then again at the table. Why was I feeling nervous? It's just as simple as a thank you. I can do it!

With that prep talk, I was finally able to confess,

"Thank you," I said, meeting his eyes.

"For what?" he questioned, his smile making my heart skip a beat.

"The chocolates," I blurted out shyly, regretting my timidity.

"It was my pleasure, my lady" His grin was dazzling, leaving me breathless.

Did he just refer to me as "my lady"?!!!!!

My heart can't handle this, I might just faint! This heart beats like it's going to pop off from my rib cage.

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