Chapter 81- The Friends Find OUT

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(Surely this is next week episode)

“Dad, mom, sorry, I didn’t protect the body you gave me. I don’t know how to explain it. I was already dead, but I woke up in this other person’s body. Actually, dying is nothing. I could be reunited with the both of you. But since I’m still alive, even if it is in someone else’s body, I want to live well. I know that you definitely want me to live well…”

As ZhouXiang drank, he spoke intermittently about some illogical things. There are too many secrets in his heart that he couldn’t talk to anyone about. Now he wanted to come clean and tell everything that had been suppressing him to his parents

He completely forgot about the time and place of where he is at.

Until he heard footsteps from behind him, he wanted to turn his head but he heard a familiar voice, a voice that trembled and is full of bewilderment, “Ah Xiang?”

ZhouXiang’s body froze.

CaiWei looked at this person’s back that is wearing a black windbreaker sitting on the ground in front of him. This huge expectation and anxiety forced his heart to almost jump out.

ZhouXiang turned and saw that LanXiRong had the same expression. LanXiRong didn’t look at him; his red eyes were staring at that back, his lips white with no trace of blood.

Before, ZhouXiang never thought that he actually needed that much willpower for such a simple move like turning around. He used whatever little strength he had left to force himself to turn his body. He sees the two people he is familiar with, CaiWei and LanXiRong. In that moment, he only felt his nose stiffened. It quickly blurred in front of his eyes.

CaiWei’s expression turned from fright to ecstatic and then to ferocious. In just a short second, he had already rushed up and pushed ZhouXiang to the ground, roaring “ZhouXiang!” with his fist striking ZhouXiang in the face.

ZhouXiang and CaiWei have known each other for more than ten years. In his memory, they’ve only had one fight and it was when they first met. He didn’t even remember the reason. After the fight, they went to drink. And then he and CaiWei became great buddies.

When the heavy fist landed on his face, ZhouXiang thought, is CaiWei’s fist that strong?

CaiWei’s tears and snots flowed down his face as he crazily hit ZhouXiang while indistinctively cursing him, “I fucking kill you asshole! You bastard! You son of a bitch! ZhouXiang, you fucking asshole—.” At the end, CaiWei had no more strength left and the two men held each other and cried.

LanXiRong is half-squatting on the ground, trying to pull them apart but his hands were not strong enough. Finally, he also followed along and cried with them.

There was no one in the cemetery in the morning. The cold and gloomy air filled every corners of the cemetery. The scene of three men hugging and crying together is strange yet their emotions are like the breaching of a dam where it can’t be stopped even if they wanted to.

After the crazy emotional ride, the three tiredly sat in the private room at the coffee shop. There was a lot to talk about, but they didn’t know where to begin. ZhouXiang didn’t know how many “sorry” he said today. In short, his throat had already gone coarse.

CaiWei somberly said, “If we weren’t in front of your parents today, I would’ve killed you.”

ZhouXiang lowered his head and did not speak.

LanXiRong sighed deeply, “Let’s calm down first and talk about it… Tell us what’s going on. Right now, I still……still can’t believe it.”

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