Chapter 302

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Spades carried Bai Liu on his back and jumped along the branches with fewer corpses, moving with great leaps. Bai Liu was riding unsteadily on him. In order to stabilize Bai Liu, Spades first pulled Bai Liu’s calf with his hand before moving his hand up to pull his thighs, and then…

In the middle of the process, Bai Liu calmly lowered his legs, from sitting on Spades’ shoulders to clinging onto Spades’ back, and put the hand that was about to move up to his buttocks on Spades’ side: “I can hold myself up just fine, you don’t need to help me.”

Spades made a sound without realizing it, and the posture of withdrawing his hand to draw out the whip instantly became cold. The shiny black bone whip flicked out unexpectedly, the twisting whip like a poisonous snake in the air. Fiercely, he threw it at a corpse that jumped on the tree branch and almost split it in half with the whip.

Bai Liu looked at the corpse monster that fell from the air, the middle of its body sunken in: “Did you deliberately save your strength so as not to break the opponent in half?”

“Yeah.” Spades responded.

He whipped back without looking back, with almost the same force. It only made a dent in the middle of another corpse, stopping its movement, but it did not damage the overall structure of the corpse.

Spades took the time to briefly reply to Bai Liu: “These things can’t be beaten to death. It’s not a good thing if they are broken and their numbers increase.”

Bai Liu suddenly became interested and asked him: “You were so reckless when playing games before. You just killed monsters indiscriminately and didn’t care about the quantity or quality of monsters. Why are you so careful with the monsters in this game?”

“Because these monsters are not coming for me.” Spades looked back at Bai Liu indifferently, “They are coming for you.”

Spades didn’t say everything, but Bai Liu already understood what this man meant.

Bai Liu was quiet.

As soon as Spades finished speaking, a torso with exposed internal organs flew towards Bai Liu from behind, and was knocked away by Spades’ merciless whip.

Even when knocking away such a rotten and decayed abdomen, Spades’ control prevented any organ from falling out, ensuring that the number of monsters did not increase.

Bai Liu was only quiet for a moment, then changed the subject as if nothing happened: “Don’t you want to ask me why The Judge and the others were kidnapped? This happened to your teammates. Given their strength, this is a strange thing.”

“Oh.” Spades nodded as if he had just remembered such a thing, and continued following Bai Liu’s words without much care, “They were tied up, but what does this have to do with me?”

Bai Liu: “…”

Bai Liu said slowly: “You are their league teammate. For all intents and purposes, you should show appropriate concern for the safety of your teammates at this time.”

Spades understood quickly, and he immediately said: “I will care about them now.”

He took out a golden bell from his waist, half the size of his palm. Seeing Bai Liu looking at it inquiringly, Spades explained: “This is a reward prop from an ancient dungeon of the game. It’s called twin bells. When one bell vibrates, the other will also vibrate.”

“We have refreshed the dungeon three times. There are six bells in total, all of which are bound to the vibration relationship. If one vibrates, the other five will too. In some ancient or pre-modern dungeons where modern instruments cannot be used to communicate, The Judge requires that we use this bell to communicate.”

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