help or a little push? Part one

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Ok everyone i haven't write this story a while cause I like the sonic crossover kh called "no heart" but everyone looking at this story more and I have a writers block and also I can't write much . Heck I can finish this part in an hour but -3- I have to make it good and make it seem a everyday life thing that every one gone through. Alright not everything. Sigh just let move on to the story

Help or a little push? Part 1

No one's prov.

It was the day after the secret event that Pikachu and snivy had . As we found Pikachu waking up by the nice morning dawn sun . Well he was about to get up but felt an extra weight on top of him finding snivy cuddling up to Pikachu like a teddy bear( seriously this happens when you have a girlfriend to sleep over but who knows) Pikachu panic and try to get snivy off him and he was blushing hard red as a charmander. But he like it a bit. His heart beat raised but he needed to get her off before everyone saw what's happening.

Pikachu: (oh man this is really weird if any poke-one or ash, iris, or clien. Find us like this they will get the wrong idea . Ok Pikachu think positive. I have surive an fake but very power legendary pokemon. I can surive this)

Pikachu try to get snivy off him before the other wake up . The move he try to move . Snivy tighten her grip around him
Snivy:zzzzz don't go...zzzzzz

Pikachu was now blushing mega charizard y skin. (BTW still isn't in this story before it get out of hand) then she roll off him . Pikachu stare at snivy still blushing. He got up on his feet and run very far. I mean like 5 miles far.Meanwhilw a trainer in black clothing . Black hat, black coat, shoes, and bag back, and bloude hair. Walking down on a dirt path to a city. (Idk witch) till. .....


Bird pokemon start flying aeay from the sound . Even starlys . But meanwhile Pikachu walked back to the camp was with a disappointment gester.

Everyone was awake , but oshawott and ash. Snivy came up to him and wisper in his ear

Snivy: thank you.

Pikachu : for what?!

Snivy: well for one you stood up for me yesterday cause of oshawott doing and second. You were there for me when I had a nightmare .

Pikachu smile but his ear went down and scratch behind head

Pikachu : hehe that what friends do.^~^

Snivy smile and look at everyone else and axew try to get an apple and snivy came by and she use her vine wip. To he the apple for axew.

Axew: thank u snivy ^o^

She smile as axew ran off with apple of joy. Later that day it went normal as always. Ash went to train every one . One on one sparing. Like pignight vs borldor. Tranquil vs snivy and finally oshawott vs pikachu.

Oshawott : alright Pikachu I have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Pikachu : same here. But you haven't seen my full skills cause I don't want to be a show off.

Oshawott : wait what?



Oshawott: AHHHHHHH!

Pikachu does a thunderbolt(move the camra back ) outside a couple trees away. An explosion happen

To be continued
God that too some days

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