nickname time and fight?

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Hi everyone this the writer here and God it has been a while I made the last one I was able to make this a bit quicker and have some good idea from a series from a YouTube channel. Hehe if you figure out what I'm talking about . If you guess right. You get a cookie. Nawwww but u get a shout out or something like an oc trainer battle ash later on the story but if u guess correctly . Your must be the luckyest person I know. Ok to the story.

Last time on what lies that show love.

Tepig: hey everyone I got an idea.

Emoga : if it is something like childish I'm out.

Tepig: I was thinking if we are on this jounery. Let come up with some nicknames for everyone .

Pikachu : that's not a bad idea.

And now ......

Every pokemon speaking at the same time till every pokemon stop.

Pikachu : ok every one has got a nickname that us will share and not the trainers will know.

Everyone: yes.

Pikachu : ok now scargy your first.

Scragy: I'll be.... uhhhhhh rock smasher! >030< *remember he blurry hatch so he a little kid*

Pikachu : hehehe that sound awesome.

Snivy : ir has a nice catch to it.

Emoga : it mine turn!

Pikachu: ok

Emoga: I'll be name as princess.*she try do an adorable face and oshawott going crazy heart over that and while everyone else sweatdrop*

Pikachu : uhhhhhh ooook?

Snivy shook her head of disprove the name.

Axew: I'll be name as Barret.

Scragy: ok now that a name a bit scarry.

Axew : Hehe thank ^.^

Pikachu: cool ^-^.

Tranquil : how about you Pikachu?

Pikachu : ohhhh uhhh I don't know. I never had thought about it.

Snivy : hey their no bad one .

Pikachu: ok I'll pick the name zidane.

Tepig: that sound a bit to awesome 0.0 .

Pikachu: Hehe thank how about you tepig?

Tepig: well I'll pick Marco.

Oshawott : that an odd name to pick .

Pikachu: oshawott!

Oshawott : fine but I'll pick my name steiner. *does a pose *

Pikachu and snivy: your more like a Harold.

Then oshawott Powe disappear and his eyes wide open.

Oshawott : oh yeah . How about you snivy?!

Snivy : uhh well I don't know but I might regret this but any suggestions?

Pikachu: how about clover?

Oshawott : stupid mouse . Snivy is like a ruby.

Pikachu : No way!

Oshawott : why now?

Pikachu: trust me you don't want to call her that.

Snivy: I agree.

Oshawott : ok then . SAPPHIRE.

Tepig: That's a lesbian name.

Snivy: really? I don't think so.

Pikachu : how about anko?

Oshawott: that a suck bull name. How about topaz , diamonds, emeralds?

Pikachu : your naming pretty stones

Oshawott : I like pretty stones .

Pikachu : how about celina * aka one of my friends names*

Oshawott : how about a name that isn't borning?!

Tranquil : can I get a turn?

Pikachu : OHHHH THAT IT!

Oshawott : what!

Pikachu punch him in the face

Oshawott: oh you want go rat!

Both fighting with sound from DBZ (Dragon Ball Z)

Pikachu : I can kick your butt.

Oshawott : I will kill you

Pikachu: shell! Common Harold come get the shell.

Oshawott : wait what . GIMME BACK MY SHELL.

Pikachu : ok here your shell

Oshawott : AND THE PEARL!

Pikachu : awww you want the pearl?

Oshawott : THE PEARL RAT!

Pikachu: ok here you go*give him his pearl*

Oshawott : thank you


Snivy: ENOUGH! Sigh *turn to axew* axew do you have any suggestions?

Axew: i-i-i don't know .... I-i-i don't want to get involved...

Snivy: SPEAK

Axew: Uhhhh BLADE

Pikachu and oshawott: blade?

Snivy: why blade Axew?

Axew: well you leaf blade and you use good and DON'T HURT ME.

Snivy: I like it ^.^

Pikachu : that makes a lot of sences.

Tranquil : can I say anything.

Pikachu : oh yeah sorry.

Tranquil : ok I'll name my self will be .....

Ops were out of time till next time on what lies what love shows

Tranquil : Y DO YOU HATE ME?!

ME : pikachu and oshawott used most of the space so don't blame me. Till next time.

Tranquil : GAAAAAAAH

ME: AHHHHHH*runs away*

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