tears and pain part 2 !

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This part rush it will have a lot mistakes . I'm going get this down in less then 2 hours .now listen to some endstone.carry our love to endstone! Also short!

The sun was lasting to its lasting stage of sunlight as we find pikachu wrap his arms around snivy . Keeping her close and safe as he feel her heartbeat. As she was able to calm down but a few sniffing as she holding onto him.  Like she never want to let go of him. Pikachu lay there having her close to him. Having her head to where pikachu heart should be.

Snivy : (thoughts: why do I act like this? Does pikachu hate me for this? Why does this feel so good to be this close to him? His warmth,  loving arm and his beating heart? Pikachu you were the only one to make me feel special and different than my serious normal self. Oh lord Arceus. Why do you have to be perfect?) *blushing*.

They hold each other for an hour till ash start calling out for pikachu and snivy name. Snivy lift up her head groaning like a child don't want to get out of bed for school.

Pikachu : seem like we have to go?

Snivy:..... yeah..... I guess we--* snivy interrupted by a pair of lips pressed against her own. Feeling the heat raise up as her cheek blushing hard. Shock as she slowly kisses him back*

Their kiss felt like the world stop in time as no one can stop their love fest. But a sound of a plate hitting the floor making them break the kiss as they turn to see where the sound came from.

Buneary: pi-pi-pika-chan?......

To be continue!

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