Resort time lunch/afraid?

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Hello everyone . Admin here and welcome for a another chapter of what lie that shows. It has reach past what I expected but I'm writing till who know how long but hope enjoy this chapter and let read.

Snivy running through the hall of the restort. Door been opening as she pass by as pokemon look out to see a green blur. Some of them smile while some have an worried expression .She made to the lunch room to find Tranquil still there with excadrill still eating .

Tranquil : hey snivy!

Snivy walk up to Tranquil and got up the table and look around if there was any food still left over.

Tranquil : so snivy ... how are ya?

Snivy: I'm..i..I'm good.*blush*

Tranquil : are you sure? Your kinda blushing a bit.

Snivy: well....

Snivy look down in embarrassment and have her face blushing bright red. She looked up and see Tranquil wanting an answer but a smile.

Snivy: I al-almost...(uhhh should I tell her ?)

Tranquil : you almost what?

Tranquil picked a berry and starting to eat it. Snivy sighed and look up and got up close to Tranquill's ear.

Snivy: I almost kiss pikachu...

Tranquill eye went into shock and spit or the food she was chewing on the opposite way of snivy.

Tranquill : What?!

Snivy: shhhhhh

Excadrill look up at them like he wasn't paying any attention at all. Snivy cover her blushing face in embarrassment ment. Snivy whisper to Tranquill and she nodded.

Tranquill : sorry and really?

Snivy: y.y.yes.... the way he makes feel when I'm around him. It hard for me to control feelings when in around or thinking about him.

Tranquill: what is it like your first crush?

Snivy : ..... *looks down *

Tranquill: oh my arueces it is 0.0 .

Snivy: ye.yes I-I-I guess so.

Tranquil : oh my . My best friend is in love ^3^.

Snivy: but I'm scared though....

Tranquill: mmm? Why are you scared?

Snivy : he's my prey and I'm his predator. It's like against nature.

Tranquill: wow that hard .

Snivy: but....

Tranquill: but what?

Snivy: pikachu said screw the law. Like he like me the same way like I do for him.

Tranquill: then why are your waiting for? Get him if he interested in you.

Snivy: but I'm not sure I'm ready? He been many adventures. In scared if he brings up anything like he been other relationships .

Tranquill : snivy. Listen if he does. There one thing that his past relationship doesn't.

Snivy: what would that be?

Tranquill: you. Hehehe .

Snivy: mmmmm?!what do u mean?

Tranquill: I mean he has been many but there one thing each adventure he told us . He haven't spoken about anyone else fallen for and he in the same team . You both ash Pokémon. That mean you both be together forever.

Snivy looked but smile. She blush as her friend told her .Snivy and tranquill talk but different stuff about stuff. They kept at it for hours.

When it got late at night. Snivy and tranquill trying on make up like (any females dont hate me for this) wear green mask on. But,Emoga on the other hand trying to sleep.

Snivy: hey why are you trying some?

Tranquill : hey ay least I want to be pretty.

Snivy: oh I kmow. Is it because your crush?

Tranquill: crush? ! Wh-what crush?

Snivy : we both know what crush were talking about. *giggling *

Snivy giggle as Tranquill blush right through mask . Emoga had enough and through a pillow at the talking girl.


Both girl at each other grap a pillow. Have evil grins on there faces. Emoga eyes shrank and relies what she started.


Emoga: AHHHHH O0O!!!!

To be continued

Hehe wow I just finished this and emoga . You got lucky this time . But next time your going to get it BAAWAWAWWAAWWA anyway hope you enjoy this chapter and leave a comment how you feel . So I do more or work something different? Please rate 1-10
1: good
10: bad

Have an awesome day or night. I bud you forwell I'll be back. B3

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