Plan delayed because of "space"

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So .... how many months has it been from the last chapter ? That long ?! 030 ops I'm sorry guys I have doing some alone stuff and got into this one anime call "my hero academia " so there might be some comics here and there of it here in this chapter.   Now to the story !

It was bright as the sun was setting up from the dark night side as dawn wasn't even up to be called dawn. Everyone was having a great wake up expect for a electric mouse who asleep on the very top of a oak tree. As he has to sleep blizzard places to avoide the two who trying make him fall in love between the two.

Pikachu: yawwwwn my back ... ow hmmmm good thing they haven't found me yet.

Just as he thought he was alone . He turn to find a large dragon of yellow and he seem a little bit pisser about something .

Pikachu: uhhh ...hi?

Dragonnight: what the hell are you doing up on "MY TREE?!"

Pikachu: I'm hiding and keep it down they will hear you.

Dragonnight: the HELL do think you can HIDE HERE

Garchomp: shut up ! We are hiding from other pokemon here!

Pikachu: Garchomp?! The hell your doing up here ?!

Garchomp: I'm hiding. Why the hell are you here? This is my hiding place.

Pikachu: the hell it is! This is my hiding place. I found it first.

Dragonnight: Grrrr get off! *uses thunderpunch both of them off the tree catching emoga attention*

Both: ow

Emoga: well hallelujah it raining men hehe.

Pikachu: RUN FOR IT!!!

Later on the day gotten weirder as a otter had idea. Which is so stupid BUT it might work. Oshawott went to the battlefield.


Meloetta: got it ! *give a high five in his face and he starting to float up*

Oshawott: ROCKET JET!! *he starting to blast off in the sky like a rocket* FUCK YOU PIKACHU! I'M GOING TO SPACE !

Meloetta: Lord arceus bless that dumnass *does the America sulit with tear in her eyes*

A few minutes later

Oshawott has made it out of space smiling happily as he blasting through space passing by rayquaza.

Rayquaza: what the hell is that ?


Then as his moments of fame of being the first water type to make space soon to defeated as a speeding of light pass by oshawott. Causing him to stop and witness what just happen.

Rayquaza: NOT A ANOTHER ONE !?

Pikachu: hiiiiii oooosshhhaaawwwoooottt!

Oshawott: wha....what the fuck ?! Are you fucking serious ?!

Pikachu : yeeeeeeesssssss


Axew: hey mister garchomp can you teach me American football?

As the little dragon holding the ball looking at the champion dragon.

Garchomp: oh of course in my boy. Now go long.  Very long .

He threw the ball as hard he could as axew just dodge the ball heading towards Pikachu and hits him but instead of stopping the ball it took him away with lighting speed.

Garchomp: oh hahaha goodbye Pikachu

Pikachu :AAAHHHHHHHH!!?!?!?!??

Snivy: .....Pikachu?

Emoga and buneary: PIKACHU NOOOOOO!?!?!

As Pikachu blast off to space and never return. The end of the story as Pikachu floated to space to who know where. Ash won the championship but not with happy face. Snivy have up on battling because she never woll see Pikachu ever again as same with every pokemon Pikachu has befriend


Not. Really is this how I'm going to end the story? Hell no. Pikachu and oshawott return back home as rayquaza gave them the ride back home.

Rayquaza: why the hell you two ended up in space?!

Oshawott: i was trying to get away from this asshole !

Pikachu: I been thrown to space !

Rayquaza: alright forget I asked. I'm leaving do this again! Next time I won't be taking you back.  Your on your own next time.

Pikachu: thank you though!

Rayquaza sighs as he took off to lone zone of the planet not thinking on how they those two got to space in the first place.

Oshawott: I fucking hate you.

Pikachu: I know.  I hate you two you baka .

Oshawott: stop calling me that!

To be continue

Sorry this taken so long to be finish . Emoga and buneary plan will undergo.  Pikachu has something I'm his head and has a plan for snivy. Until next time this is Roxas Prowers here signing out see ya !

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2018 ⏰

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