tears and pain part 1

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Last time on what lies that's shows love ....  snivy's going to kill pikachu.

Snivy: oh pikachu where are you ?!

As pikachu hiding in the forest after cilan seeing how dawn show him her moves during a pokemon battle. As pikachu since the rage that kept the inside snivy as he ran . He felt that rage from her from a distance. . As he feels snivy creeping on him like a horror game.

Snivy: pikachu my love ! Where are you! ? I "promise" I won't hurt you!

Pikachu's heart began to beat faster as he knew snivy grew closer where he is.

Pikachu : (thoughts: I'm so dead when she finds me. If I go now? She hear where I am and she will kill me. If I stay here?  She will find me and kill me. What to do?!)

Snivy: Pikachu come out "play". Pikachu come out and "play"! PIKACHU COME OUT AND "PLAY"!

Pikachu : *shakes his head no that he almost spoke out as she screaming in fear inside the bush*

Pikachu is at a full alert. Feeling snivy real close. What matters even worse.  The sun was setting down to it twilight stage . Where it's snivy's best at night. Snivy was at the Bush pikachu was in.

Snivy: I know your in there ! 3.......

Pikachu: (internal screaming : AHHHHH SHE FOUND ME !!!)

Snivy: 2!....on... *she was cut off as pikachu closed his eyes jumped over snivy as he ran away* FOUND YOU!

She ran after him as and it wasn't long till they made it back to the battle field.  As she was able to pin him down at the middle of the field. Before snivy can speak to him.

Pikachu: There nothing between me and her!

Snivy: then why did you both hug each other like you haven't seen her for a very long time like boyfriend and girlfriend! ?

Pikachu : is it wrong to hug a friend?

Snivy: yes!

Pikachu: I don't have feeling for her! I swear.  My feelings are a only you.

Snivy: then why?

Snivy is still angry but tears falling down from her eyes and landing on top of him. Pikachu seeing this as feeling his heart break snivy trying to not break down as her tears coming.

(Short chapter but sue me because I wrote this today and goodnight! )

To be continued

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