plotting of new evil and axew relationship

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The day was normal as it was as a buneary trying figure out to "win" Pikachu heart. As Pikachu and snivy well mostly everybody acting normal . Expect for the bunny because she can't stand that the love of her life is out with someone what she thinks snivy isn't good enough for him.  Only one notice but want to mess around the buneary emotion as she want to kill 2 birds with one stone. There only one other pokemon is thinking about this as it emoga. Emoga likes the mouse as he isn't like the other as much the other guys she met before iris caught her and the guy she met till this day. Hearing the crying and how close and saw how buneary got to him.

Made her smile as she want to toy with her as she going to make her to fight snivy and then she move in to take what's her . But enable make the plan work.  She had to get her to talk to her alone.  Snivy notice this as the smile of emoga face give it all with creepy evil smile . Like the Grinch smile of during before plan of how steal Christmas. But instead She is stealing Pikachu.

Snivy shrug the feeling and went to take care of axew.  Seeing the baby dragon trying get garchomp to teach him new moves and well garchomp is trying to relax in the beach.

Axew: common garchomp train me how to be stronger !

Grachomp: gaaaaah listen kid. I know you want to train under me but your still young to do training.  You have to be a bit more older .

Axew: I know I know. I keep hearing that from mama..... ?!

Grachomp: your mother? Who's your mother ?

Axew froze as the fact he calling snivy his mother. Forgetting that he is still a child but unable to understand the status of the relationship of him and snivy. Feeling the blushing hard as he felt embarrassed of telling the Sinoh champions dragon .

Garchomp: ooooh hehe I see . That snivy right there? Right?

Axew: h-ho-how did you know?

Garchomp: listen kid. I had experience of a mother and child and I been on a journey for quite a while.

Axew: is that why you have wrinkles ?

Garchomp: WHAT?!*his shout made a few jump a little as garchomp rushed up to the ocean water to see his reflection and sigh* No I don't have wrinkles . I'm not that old yet .

Axew: o-oh hehe sorry M-M-Mr.Garchomp.

Garchomp: kid . Mr.Garchomp was my grandfather name and my father name to for some reason. You can call me master Garchomp.

Axew:..... can I call you mister garchomp?

Garchomp: no

Axew: pleeeeeeease?

Garchomp: no (mind: is this going to be my whole vacation going to be ?)

Meanwhile buneary was in bush looking at Pikachu as he hanging out with his old friends . Buneary has her ears down as she thinks to herself of him having a romatic date. But the thought got interrupted as someone has also join in with her  emoga appear as she smile.

Buneary: wh-who are you?

Emoga: I'm emoga one of iris pokemon.  I know you like Pikachu (mind:cried over him last night !)

Buneary: *blushes* ye-yes I do.

Emoga: how about we make a deal ?

Buneary: a deal?


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