Restort time preparing / emergency room

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Hello everyone and welcome back another chapter what lies that love shows. Also it will be short . Sorry I took so long. It just I'm lazy and lots of stuff going on. So enjoy this if that possible?

The moring was starting as the dun starting to rise. The girls room is across the guys room and let say the girl room get to see the sun at the end of the day while....

(Mostly all of them) Male pokemon : Uhhhhhhhhh!

Each everyone wake up as the sun shining through the window.

Oshawott :Ahhhh my eyes ! Who left the blinds open !?

Pikachu : it was you Harold. You decided to leave open to see who he first to complain first and thought it will be funny and for that we use tha against you.

Oshawott : WHY! ?

Pikachu : well you ripped it off the window. God I want to sleep more -,-. Going to get to eat at the diner.

Oshawott : can I come?

Scragy : can I to?

Pikachu :yawwwn sure yawwn the more the merrier.

Pikachu stretch as some pokemom went with him to the diner where they ate the dinner from yesterday. Pikachu saw as some munchlax eating the leftover food ( and thrown food) clean.

Pikachu got a cup and made some berry juice. Every other pokemon take some take some lum berry juice,cornn berry juice berry juice? Wow this restort have them all.

Pikachu took a a zip of his normal berry juice . Nothing that could go wrong right? That when oshawott sat next to pikachu and at top the lung and waking up the whole restort.


Pikachu fell out of his chair and got jerry juice all over hid body (not like that you perverts) . Oshawott realize what happen and start running away.

Got up feeling dizy and his eye seem to be burning oh lord it the juice that entered his eyes.

Pikachu : ahhhhh my eyes !?

Pikachu squirm around as the other came to help him. Oshawott on the other hand running for his life.

(5 minutes in the pokemon center and no nurse joy but a nurse chansey.)

Nurse : ok pikachu u will have your blind fold on for 5 hour...

Pikachu : 5 HOURS !?!

Nurse : (giggle ) oh no I'm just kidding . We don't get any accidents that isn't children pokemon.

Pikachu : sigh but how long should I have this on?

Nurse: only for an hour.

Pikachu: thank arceus. I have gone blind for an hour. Well that just great.

Nurse: yeah if nurse joy was here u could have to wear it for half an hour.

Pikachu : well where is she?

Nurse: well

(Flash back to where nurse joy is at the boat nurse but she having fun and nothing else. End flashback)

Nurse: let say she has work on the boat

Pikachu: oh ok (mind: I wounder what snivy is up to?)

Meanwhile with the girls.

The girls are sleeping peacefully nothing have gone well but hearing oshawott voice echo waking up every pokemon up. Emoga got scared and jump up to ceiling and hang up there like a cat would.

Snivy eye slowly open her eyes like " Uhhhh why?" look on her face. While Tranquill was flying around panicking like what going on ?! Snivy yawn of tiredness as she got up from bed. Snivy calmed Tranquill down. Both went to the bathroom to wash or remove their mask ( I don't know I'm not a girl so I don't know how those green mask work) as they remove their mask.

Let's say their faces shining bright yellow they almost blinded them self of beautifulness. They escape the bathroom as they almost went blind ( kinda ironic) and emoga is no where to be found in the room.

Tranquill : Uhhhh emoga not hear.

Snivy: why am I not surprise. Ready Tranquill?

Tranquill: ready.

Both have the face of determination ¤3¤ (watched to much undertale ) . Both headed to door to face their crushes and let this nightmare end.

To be continued

Sorry but this where end for this chapter. Leave a commet if you what you think what will happen next . This nobody_roxas_prowers here and I hope you enjoy this part and if you didn't enjoy it. Please leave a commet if I left common mistakes. So goodbye

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