The Date

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Pikachu and Snivy blushing hard as they looked away from each other. But the thing is that one pokemon was panicking and went to hide inside the sand. Thanks pokemon was........








Most every pokemon looked at the two pokemon and they both feel this new attention wasn't good as they celebrate them cheering with claps and whistling . Snivy blushing even more harder and ran off as pikachu on the other hand stay in place like a statue.

Snivy rushed back to her room and locking the door with every locking mechanism there is to locking a door. Panting blushing as hard as she took a few breaths as she heard.

Tranquil : how it go?

Snivy: Ahhhhhh! ? Tranquil? Ummmm w-what do you m-mean by that ?

Tranquil : well I was flying around the beach as other flying pokemon trying to flirt with me . Then I notice you and pikachu making ou...*gets interrupted by snivy*

Snivy : WE WEREN'T MAKING OUT !!! *Blushing madly *

Tranquil : oh I was kidding snivy. I saw the ball hit you at the head causing that kiss.

Snivy: y-you saw that?

Tranquil : yes I did and I got to ask. How was it?

Snivy: *heart start racing and blushing a deep red* what do you mean how was it?!

Tranquil : you and pikachu stayed like that for quite a while.

Snivy: I-i don't know what your taking about. *cross her arms closing her eyes trying to pretend it didn't happen but still blushing*

Tranquil : oh but that blush say something else.

Snivy: listen .... me and pikachu are good friends.

Tranquil : or maybe more.

Snivy: listen I treat pikachu the same way like the other guys.

Tranquil : so does the other guys listen to your problems and cuddle with you?

Snivy: !? *shocked and blushing madly* what? !

Tranquil : I woke up and pikachu was there and it was really sweet of him and a side I never seen before .

Snivy:..... *look down*

Tranquil : are you going to talk to him?

Snivy: another what?

Tranquil: snivy your my best friend . You both need to talk about it * some pokemon outside their door and ears dropping them*

Snivy: there nothing to talk about it. It be so awkward and and.... is this mean the end of our friendship?

Tranquil : do you care about him?

Snivy : ummmmm*blushes*

Tranquil : later tonight in dinner you both need to talk to each other and let's see what happens from there.

Snivy : uhhhh yeah. Do you think I'm his type?

Tranquil : snivy don't doubt yourself. Go and talk to him.

Snivy : *goes to lay down in her bed and sighs * I have a headache now.

Tranquil : rest now ok snivy.

Snivy: alright.

*later that night*

Snivy and every pokemon went to eat lunch as they have a lunch schedule. As snivy was the last one enter. She looked and pikachu wasn't there to be found.

She ate dinner and waited but never felt like eating as she feels butterfrees flying around her stomach . She picking her food . Feeling worried for the yellow mouse .

As time was up . Every pokemon got up and asked snivy that pikachu and her are dating . Snivy didn't say anything and ignore them.

Snivy have stole some food and every pokemon went to their rooms. Except snivy as she went outside the night of a full moon. She saw the little rodent on the edge of the bride watching the sky.

Snivy without think rush towards pikachu . Feeling tears of relief as she jump toward pikachu. Pikachu ears twitch and turn to find a flying snivy towards him. Snivy tackled him but causing both of them to fall in the ocean. Both swam up and both of them sat on the bridge.

Snivy :......

Pikachu :.....

Snivy: sorry for tackling you into the ocean.

Pikachu : it's alright....

Snivy: why didn't you show up for dinner?

Pikachu:..... I wasn't hungry. Had a lot on my mind.

Snivy : headache?

Pikachu: yeah.

Both of them are silence as they both don't know what to say. Till pikachu design to break the ice .

Pikachu :...snivy?

Snivy: yeah?

Pikachu: about the kiss?

Snivy: that? *both blush hard*

Pikachu : I was lost for words.

Snivy:me to.

Pikachu : that was my first kiss.

Snivy: it was also my first kiss to pikachu.

Pikachu: your one of my best friends snivy. There 4 other regions I have gone to . You the only one I can talk to you about this. I .... I love you. ....

Snivy eyes went wind and couldn't say a word and her heart beating fast.

Till next time is snivy going to break pikachu heart or love him

To be continue

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