help or a little push ? Part 2

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Hi everyone this one roxas prowers here giving u a another pokemon part . Want to give some details I might or mistakes I made. Leave it in the comments. And also this story is an NO OC'S ALLOW STORY ZONE. Anyway to the story

A few hours later

Everyone was looking at a bandage, burn oshawott. Oshawott looked mad and Pikachu was at the other side of the group and nervously to say something.

Emoga: ok I'm going to spill. What happen ?!

Oshawott : Pikachu took me by surprise and use thunderbolt on me.

Pikachu : I'm sorry . Look I was in the zone and you can't hold someone with that. That a bad way to train.

Oshawott : WHY YOU ?!.....

Oshawott grap his shell and mostly every hold oshawott back

Pikachu : uhhhh I think I should be quite now.

Snivy: yeah for now ok Pikachu?

Pikachu : sure.

Pikachu walked off to ash , iris and cilan. And waited for things to cool off.

Meanwhile with oshawott

Snivy walk up to him . Oshawott sitting at the lake and not letting anyone sit next to him.

Snivu : hey?

Oshawott : hmmm? Oh it just you.

Snivy: what with you lately oshawott. Your not acting like yourself lately.

Oshawott: sigh look I'm starting to think some stuff a couple of days.

Snivy: like?

Oshawott : do we all have to change?

Snivy: what do you mean .

Oshawott : I mean this journey were on won't last forever.

Snivy: true but we can chill at oak labatory.

Oshawott : yeah but not Pikachu.

Snivy : mmm? What do you mean Pikachu not going to stay?

Oshawott : look snivy he has gone far and wide . He has many stories and he will keep going to make some more friends and might forget about us.

Snivy: is this what you worried about?! Pikachu is our best friend. .....

Oshawott : you mean more than friends.

Snivy blushes hard when oshawott said that.

Snivy : it's not like that. Me and Pikachu are just friends and nothing more than that. Also Pikachu told us stories and mentions his friends.

Tranquil flew down to join the chat.

Tranquil: she right . You know. I have went to oaks lab and there's many and many pokemon and they all day pikachu was their.

Snivy : see

Oshawott : sigh fine I'll come with ya later when they go to sleep.

Everyone had awesome, but snivy had some deep thinking what oshawott had said.

Later that might

Every pokemon join around a camp fire. Ash, iris and cilan went to bed and every pokemon sat down.

Tepig: hey everyone I got an idea.

Emoga : if it is something like childish I'm out.

Tepig: I was thinking if we are on this jounery. Let come up with some nicknames for everyone .

Pikachu : that's not a bad idea

.......... to be continued

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