The secret meeting

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As the world gone quiet as the sound the wave washing against the shore.  As a certain yellow pokemon walking through a dirt road . As he walked inside a bush as he look left and right till a green wine wrapped around him pulled him up.

Pikachu : woah? !

Snivy: still can't believe you understand what I ment when we only make eye contact.

Pikachu : well I kinda did study you a bit.

Snivy : you study me.....?

Pikachu : I mean like your normal behavior.

Snivy : you know I can still drop you.

Pikachu : *eyes widen* please don't

Snivy: thought so *placed him with the same tree branch*

Pikachu : we have started our relationship but do show it in public?

Snivy:n-not yet. I don't want to bring attention towards us and I prefer our privacy.

Pikachu : it does feel better.

Snivy: the only one who knows is Tranquil.

Pikachu : how did she finds out?

Snivy : welllll? She kinda help me with my feelings and stuff.

Pikachu : best friends?

Snivy: she the only one who doesn't pick on me and give me girl to girl talk.

Pikachu : which a guy will never understand?

Snivy: your some what there.

Pikachu : hey! Hahaha

Snivy: you know I'm joking.

Something russled in the bushes as two pokemon is spying on the two pokemon.  It happen to be scraggy and axew.

Scraggy: *whisper to axew* why are those two in a tree?

Axew: I'm not sure brother but they sneaked just to talk?

Scraggy :maybe they are talking about battling skill?

Axew: they would talk about battling when ever they want to but .... isn't suspension that their secretly talking in private?

Pikachu : like you two trying to sneak on us?

Both : ahhhhhh!

Pikachu : you both know what this mean?

Both : w-w-what *both of them hugging each other in fear having tears in their eyes*

Pikachu : you both are going to be grounded


Snivy: Pikachu!

Pikachu : hehehehe I'm kidding .

Axew : what?*clearing his eyes from the tears* 

Snivy : why are you two out here?

Axew: I was scared when you and pikachu left. So me and scraggy went to go find you.

Snivy: that sweet of you axew. But you both need your.

Axew : don't you two need some sleep?

Pikachu : you see axew . Me and Snivy need to stay a little bit more to talk about grown up stuff for what going to do tomorrow.  Like what kind of game we be doing?

Snivy : what kind of  chore has to do for lunch.

Scraggy : oh I see . I'm going back to bed .

Axew: me to.

As both pokemon walking away. Axew stop and turn back as scraggy went to bed.  Pikachu and Snivy smile at each other as they hold hand to hand.

Pikachu : if they find out . I will still be with you no matter what happens.

Snivy: I wouldn't care less of they finding out.

Pikachu : I love you  snivy.

Snivy: I love you to pikachu.

As they lean to each for their lips to make contact. Closing their eyes so no one was even there. But as they kiss. We have a confused and shocked baby pokemon.

Axew : sn-snivy?

As the voice or axew hit there mear action was to pull away and blushing madly as they find axew . Standing there alone and confused .

Snivy and Pikachu : Axew?!

Without a word the baby dragon pokemon ending passed out.

To be continue

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