the legendary trainer : Tyler fear come true

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Tyler was able to recover his pokemon and ran off there feeling the rage of losing to the trainer with the snivy he mistreated.

Tyler : dammit! (He punches a tree and run deeper in the woods ) how did I lose?! To a pathetic trainer like him!

As he stopped panting as felt a odd powerful pressure coming towards him. As fog starting appear forming around him.

Tyler: what's going on?! Grrrr come on out ! BRAVIARY. use defog ! * the braviary pokemon used the move defog but the fog stayed the same* what?!

?????:.....Judgement. ...

As the fog slowly defog as Tyler found himself on a mountain on a pokemon battle field.

Tyler: wow did I....?! Wait .... No its you ?! I thought your a myth? ! Noooooo!

It appear the only trainer . As subtitles appear below him saying .

____________________________________| Trainer RED here to press. | | judgement on your soul! |

Tyler felt his cold heart broken as he felt he pulled up his serive Pokeball shaking breathing hard.

Tyler : what's wrong with me? Your not real !

Trainer red has this dead cooled look as he threw out his pokeball and show pikachu. Tyler smiles as he summon serive but before he can call out a attack. Serive was taken out by a simple quick attack and a bit too fast he could react .

Tyler :Wh-what?!

One by one his pokemon dropped like flies . Not a single hit on Red's pikachu.

Tyler : cobalion! Secret sword!

Red:.......your finish...... mega ...... *red pulled out a small rainbow orb as his pikachu starting to surround himself in sphere as it cancle cobalion secret *

Tyler : wha...?

Red:..... evolve..... thunder .......

The move thunder struck the legendary pokemon down by the word but it was blue it struck Tyler as well.


Smoke appear as Tyler felt very weak and as the smoke cleared he found himself in the pokemon center again. Ash and gang toward him as he is beaten up.

Ash: Tyler?

Tyler : .....he's. ..... real *passes out*

Ash: Tyler!

To be continue. .....

____________________________________| Pokemon Trainer Tyler |
|blacked out. |

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