The crying buneary and oshawott is a baka.

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It was nice morning as pikachu having berrie juice out of a coconut.  But not stirring it up without the lime. Sighing as he felt a huge weight on his shoulders.

Piplup: hey morning man.*tried with baggy eyes*

Pikachu: oh hey man ..oh you don't look so good.

Piplup: oh really ? I haven't noticed.Yhat you made a buneary crying till 3 in the morning ! I'm not a darkria night man! I need sleep to be this beautiful man!

Pikachu: well sorry that she just walked on me kissing my girlfriend.  Not like I having problems like I have with a flying squirrel who try to constantly to hit on me .

Piplup: since when you be able to pick up chicks?!

Pikachu : longer than you will ever get a girlfriend.

Oshawott: HA! *points at piplup as pikachu goes back to drink his berry juice*

Piplup; oh shut up Oshawott.  Your like Brock and will always will be!

Oshawott;  who the heck is that?!

Pikachu: he doesn't know him yet piplup.

Piplup and pikachu: nawww!

Snivy: you boy please stop teasing the stupid otter .

Oshawott: thank you .

Piplup: wait didn't she..?

Pikachu: give him a minute.

Oshawott : ......Hey!

Both pikachu and Oshawott start brushing out of laughter as well Snivy as she giggling with a following a another giggling from meloetta . Which made Snivy jump up because she was next to Snivy on the couch.

Snivy: ahhh?! Meloetta! Don't sneak on me like that.

Meloetta: hehe sorry about that snivy.  I came in just to see what's going here . A lot of shouting.  Is this like every morning ?

Pikachu: sometimes with this "baka" here *pointing at oshawott and baka =idiot/stupid/moron*

Oshawott: what does baka mean?

Snivy: idiot.

Oshawott;  OK that's just rude snivy.

Piplup : that baka actually means idiot.

Oshawott : ooooooh.

Everybody but meloetta and oshawott : baka.

The day progress as snivy went down the beach to check some Sun on top of a rock. Pikachu went to explore the woods, axew has someone to play some so energetic pachirisu, emoga out in different part of the woods getting wild poke money to get her apples because she evil little flying squirrel as piplup and oshawott competing for meloetta attention . But pikachu felt like he isn't alone.

Feeling like someone is sad. As he turn to fines buneary there with tears . Looking at him with tears forming in her eyes. Walking up to him as pikachu stepping back slowly.

Buneary : pi-pika-chan? Sniff.

Pikachu: ......buneary.....

Buneary : why her?....sniff....why?

Pikachu : why? Well it's because we have something in common . While you and me?  There nothing but fairy tale.

Buneary: .....sniff...but..i-i love you pika-sepia.

Pikachu: name one thing you love about me?

Buneary looked at him blankly as she looked away. Meanwhile as snivy was being picked up as she open one eye to see ash picking her up and placing her on his lap as he talking to dawn on the beach as he pets her head. As she purrs enjoying the gentle pets on her head.

Buneary: your amazing, you take responsibility,  you do everything to protect your friends, understand and help them, your determination ,remaining calm and hope.

Pikachu: and that's all I see you as buneary . A friend . What me and snivy had is something different than we have have.  Snivy and I have that bond like most couples . Working together.

To be continued

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