reject or anew relationship

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As snivy heart increase its speed, the redness increase in her face. She doesn't know what to say. Feeling everything is confused . She couldn't stop looking at him . Pikachu is feeling nervous about it and his ears start to go fall down to the side of his head. By seeing this snivy begins to panic.

Pikachu : I-i'm sorry.

Snivy:uhhhh wh-what ?

Pikachu: I know this might happen. Sigh in understand if you don't feel the same way.

Pikachu gets up and about to walk off but he felt his hand get grabbed . As he turn to see her one last time . Something pressed his lips with a another pair of lips. Shock, blushing and his widen as snivy kissed him.

Snivy wrap her arms around pikachu neck as he slowly kisses snivy back placing his paws on her waist as they kisses feeling their heart beating as one. Seeming like hours have past but only a minute has pasted. Slowly breaking the kiss .

Snivy : I love you too you goofball.

Pikachu smiled as they held each other for 30 minutes feeling each other warmth. They shared a small kiss and they walk back to there own rooms holding paw with paw .

Pikachu : sweet dreams "blade"

Snivy: *giggles* hehehehe you remember from our little campfire where you and oshawott fought over my nickname?

Pikachu : of course I would remember snivy. Your most important pokemon in my life.

Snivy: your way to sweet "smooth talker" . Goodnight

Pikachu : goodnight princess.

As pikachu open his door the sound was quiet but when the door has open . We have a crying axew and every male pokemon pokemon was panicking.

Oshawott :what do we do?!

Pignite: give him a toy?!

Exadrill: that's not working ?!

Bolder: make he stop crying ?!!

Oshawott : I don't know how?!

Pikachu sweat dropped as snivy got mad slammed the door open. Making all the boys stop in place and axew crying slowly and Snivy used her wine wrip wrapping axew and takes him to the girls room and all the guys pokemon let that happen as snivy closed the door leaving them confused.

Pikachu:......what the hell in the name Arceus happen in here ?!?!

*meanwhile *

Snivy is rocking axew back and forwar to sleep . Humming a lullaby that helps pokemon asleep. In the room Tranquil is already fast asleep and emoga was sleeping a different room (let's say she had took much berry juice and now she is in a different room)

Snivy has finally gotten axew asleep and place him in emoga bed . Because she doesn't care about her and she isn't coming back soon. As she climb back to her bed and went to sleep.

*back to boys room*

We have 2 pokemon knocked out *scragy and pansage*Oshawott scared at the corner . Every other pokemon is in bed. Trying to avoid pikachu rage.

Pikachu : oshawott. .... can you explain why there 2 pokemon knocked out and uhhhb i don't know. . AXEW WAS CRYING? !,!

Oshawott : I DON'T KNOW ?!?!?! *having tears down and not knowing *

Pikachu : you don't know? Let me ask someone else if they something different ? You better be asleep before you be waking up in the emergency room when ash comes back!

Oshawott keep crying as pikachu walked to Exadrill. He doesn't care but he felt something huge pressure coming from pikachu. Feeling that only a legendary pokemon has.

Pikachu : Exadrill explain what happen?

Exadrill: fine. It happen like THIS!*Exadrill used focus blast sending pikachu to the wall but pikachu got back up feeling it was notice* what the ? Gaahhhh!!!*Exadrill gets iron tail in the stomach but in super sonic speed. Knocking him out*

Then pignite got up from his bed. And spoke.

Pignite : it was all oshawott? ! He said to order some room service but axew said no and Oshawott and axew fought over the phone till oshawott took to far as he used a aqua jet! That cause axew to hit into scraggy and pansage knocking those two out. And then snivy came in and took axew

Oshawott : PIGNITE WHY?!


Pikachu : thank you pignite.


To be continue

Next time .....
I don't know? !

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