fear blinding : win or lose

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Thanks to Holly for letting me use her OC. On to the the story

Snivy only action was she went behind ash and grabbed on his trousers. Seeing him across the room. He looked alot like trip.

Ash : trip?

Tyler: I'm not trip. The names Tyler and that snivy there is my.

Snivy : sni sni snivy! (Translate: I don't want to go back! )

Pikachu jumped off Ash's and start charging his electric power. Both trainer look at the angry pikachu. Then pignite and unfezant stand with pikachu.

Pignite: pig pig pignite! " you want her to u have you go through us!" *Oshawott join even bolder "

Oshawott : she our friend and we let you take her from us!.

Ash's whole team stood in front of ash as they defending snivy. Iris was decided to tell cilan about something and ash notice this .

Ash: oh no we don't! We're not playing court justice again .

Iris: but....

Ash: we lost the last time.

Tyler : how about this? I win you get one of my pokemon. But I win I get snivy back?

Everyone : whaaaaat?!

Cilan: he right. It's tradition here in midday town. If trainers lose to a full 6 on 6 battle. They have to give the other trainer a different pokemon. .

Iris: that's horrible!

Tyler : deal?

Ash looked at him and felt something bad will happen but.... he want to stand up for snivy just as his pokemon did.

Ash: deal! And we're not planning to lose!

Tyler : whatever . I'm going to win anyway . See you later in the battle field.

Everyone went quiet as ash return everyone to their pokeballs and hand them to nurse joy to heal them. . A another trainer walked up to them as he dressed in black and told them.

???????: beware the trainer in red.

As he walk past them and disappeared. Leaving them confused.

Iris : that was worried.

Cilan: the taste of that is a mystery of its own.

Ash: beware a trainer in red?*they took a seat and they talk about anything or ash telling them about his other past journeys till they heard a chime *

Nurse Joy: all your pokemon are in full health.

Ash: thank you nurse joy.

Nurse joy : don't lose to him!

Ash: what?

Nurse joy: that Tyler always here and pick on new pokemon trainer and take their pokemon. Even it isn't a even fair fight. He use a legendary pokemon. You got to be very careful with him when he's out in the battle field .

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