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It's a beautiful day outside. Pidoves are singing, deerlings dancing. We have snivy resting on ash who's resting on a tree. Snivy resting as ash pets her head. As the sun hitting at high noon.

Iris: Hey ash when are we going to the next town?

Ash: We are going to opelucid city like in tomorrow?

Iris:How about we don't?

Ash: what do you mean?

Iris: I mean there othere gyms to go to.

Ash: named one.

Iris:there Virbank city?

Ash: virbank city?

Iris: yeah it has a gym there of.....poison types.

Ash: you so relies that snivy is a grass type?

Iris: how about it?

Ash: fine but you will have a angry snivy when she finds out it was you who choose this gym.

Iris: alright alright .

Later Time skip

Pikachu. Snivy and Axew are playing in the open field . With a ball of passing one to a another. As the joy spread to the little dragon child .

From a distance we see a jealous emoga . Hating that the only different pokemon from the rest the team is hanging out with her worse enemy.

Emoga : I'll show her that I'm best for him not her!

Unfezant : jealousy isn't your color or you will suffer.

Emoga: shut up you overgrown turkey!

By saying that word. Pignite rose up from inside the pokemon center and ran out and appeared behind emoga. By a sound of a whooosh .

Emoga turn to see a really pissed off pignite . She felt that he's going to kill her.

Emoga : I'll take that back *sweat dropping the fact she wants to live and runs away*

Unfezant : thank you dear.

Pignite : no one call you bad names and gets away with it. You are my world my sweet bun .

Unfezant: you are to my strong pig .

Both pokemon shared a kiss like it's difficult to do because their both different species. But they were able to do it.

Pikachu : I can't believe our journey is almost over.

Snivy: yeah 7 down one more to go and the pokemon leage.

Axew: I'll you both on!

Pikachu : thank you axew.

Snivy : where to next?

Pikachu: I'm not sure. I heard that we're going take a boat there?

Sniy: why boats?

Pikachu: maybe it's a across the unova region and it's takes a boat there?

Snivy:I'll say it be a water type.

Pikachu : same because we are going by boat.

Axew: I'm not good with boats. I get sea sick.

Snivy : how do you know that axew?

Axew: I don't know but hope I'm not .

Pikachu : we will see.

As time passed by. Ash and the rest the gang were ready to leave.

Pikachu : are you worried about Tyler of what happen to him?

Snivy: no all I could less if he could suck a ..(snivy ! ) .... . He had it coming .

Pikachu : true . Ready to go?

Snivy: as I ever be.

Ash: alright everyone next stop Virbank city!

Everyone got on the boat and traveled to virbank city and ash was able to get his final gym badge. Snivy was mad that she didn't get battle.

As it turns things out. A champion appeared and mythical pokemon is about to change their. Before they do a action movie.

To be continued

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