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Hello everyone this is roxas_prowers. So sorry I didn't update in such long time. Some will grow out of the ship because not everyone ship them. And coming up ideas I write these are impossible but something fun to do.Also it will be short and write the next one in the more mong (It's 2 in the morning). Anyway here the chapter that everyone who hasn't turn into a skeleton . TROUBLE?


With misty fog flowing in a dark sky. The world seem to fall into color of blue as we find two pokemon sleeping side by side. Pikachu slowly open his eyes and grow to get stand up but felt an extra weight on his back . To see a familiar green snake behind him. He smiled and felt his back been lifted off the weight as she awakes from her sleep.

Pikachu : hehehe morning snivy.

Snivy: hmmmm? Oh ummm morning...That's something you never said before?

Pikachu: well your the only one I want to say it to.

Snivy: Hehe isn't that kiny?

Pikachu: that might be but it's something from I'm trying to be 24/7.

Snivy: from being fun, understanding and big brother to everybody to a smoth talker?

Pikachu : hahaha . Only you can figure me out snivy *slightly blushes in embarrassment*

Snivy: o-oh Hehe thanks*blushes slightly*

Pikachu : snivy. ...?

Snivy : yeah pikachu?

Pikachu : there something I want to tell yo...

As a small noice interrupted pikachu from a bush. Both turn their attention toward to the Bush to turn out to be oshawott.

D.Oshawott: snivy there you are. I have been looking for you everywhere.

Both : oshawott?

D.Oshawott : thank you pikachu for finding her . Common snivy we're late for *in a slow motion and his voice went deep* OOOOOUUUUURRRRR DAAAATEEEE.

Both pikachu and snivy eyes went wide and both screamed.

(In reality )

Both : ahhhhhh!

Both up and scared . Panting as felt a bit heated of a nightmare. Both woundering if it's true or not. Both sigh as they looked outside to find out out it still daytime. Odd as the feeling both pikachu and snivy sit up on the wall and we're exact opposite side (the walls are completely sound proof instead for those who scream loud that can be heard to outder space). Having one have said the words as the other complete what they said

Pikachu : it was just a nightmare.....

Snivy:... hoping it isn't true.....

Both : i have to tell him/her! Of how I really feel ....

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