waiting? really?

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Hello everyone and welcome back with another chapter and it's the 12 one and I get a feeling someone will say "FINALLY " but let's read and you will see.

It's has been 10 minutes and snivy still hasn't stop walking back and forth. Tranquill feel a bit more worried about her than the two are serious hurt. She know those two very well and know they are tough . But she worried about snivy more.

The nurse came out and look up From her clip board . She sweat drop from a sight of a female snivy walking back and forth.

Nurse:she must be one of the snivy I have heard from rumors I heard around here. So this pikachu who blind must be her mate.

Snivy: Nurse is pikachu going to be ok?

Nurse : yes he be ok.

Tranquill;: how about pignight?

Nurse : he's fine to... just out of curiosity. How we're they got knock out?

Both female eyes widen and sweat drop in embarrassment. Snivy looked down and frowned .

Nurse: sorry I ask. They be fine they be out for 15 minutes.

Tranquill : thank you nurse .

Nurse : no problem . I'll just add it to your bill.

The nurse left and both of them sigh in relief .

Snivy : wait a minute did she say she put it on our bill?!

14 minutes later.

Pikachu was the first one to wake up . He try to open his eyes but pitch black. He was about to panic but remembers he has a blind fold on his eyes .

Pikachu : oh lord arceus I got scare there a second there.

Pikachu walk around his surroundings but fall on the hard cold floor.

Pikachu :ow.... how long I have been out for?

????: for 14 minutes.

Pikachu ears twitch and turn to find the nurse's voice from earlier. She grin and walk up to the blind pikachu.

Pikachu : It's you . Just what happen?

Nurse : It's funny cause I don't have any idea? But why won't we ask your girlfriend?

Pikachu: girlfriend?

Pikachu blush of it was snivy but shook his head.

Pikachu : i don't have a girlfriend. But I am friends with a some pokemon that are girls. But not my girlfriend.

Nurse: oh then it might be a rumor then.

Pikachu: what rumor?

Nurse: oh it's nothing you wouldn't like to know what type of rumor that goes around this restort. Also you can take them off right?

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