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Hemophobia (Pt.4)
“Care-Filled Argument”

Luna was just sitting there on her mattress, looking down at the floor beneath her as she contemplated the future events. Eclipse was gonna be going to an event like this? With teenagers nonetheless? Are you kidding? He couldn't fight for his life…and it's not because he can't.. All of these thoughts echoed in her mind over and over again, images of Eclipse being sick or hurt. Seeing him bleed..or..or even-

Knock Knock Knock

The sound of a hand knocking on the frame of her door made Luna snap out of her trance and immediately look up to see who it was. It was none other than Eclipse, standing there in the doorway with a worried look on his face


He said softly, slowly walking over to her before gently sitting down next to her on the uncomfortable mattress

“Is everything alright…? You seemed freaked out that I was going with you guys in the teen division..i thought you'd be happy for me…that i could finally…prove my worth as an assassin..”

He continued with a somber expression on his face, never breaking eye contact with his friend. Luna took a bit to respond, seemingly playing with her fingers before lifting her head up and turning her gaze to Eclipse’s

“It's… not that I'm not happy for you.. I am. Just, you're not ready for it. Eclipse you're a smart lil guy, with a good heart and kind spirit. But those two last things will not get you far in this division. You'll be hurt… only god knows what I'll do to those damn assholes if they lay a finger on you”

Luna fully turned her body to his direction with a deep inhale, calming herself down for what she had to say. She reached her hand out to place a comforting touch on his shoulder as she smiled

“You're a good kid…and you're talented…just…not as ruthless as the others…please understand tha-”

Eclipse gently shoved her hand off his shoulder and slowly looked away from her, averting his gaze as his eyes narrowed slightly.

“You sound like the others..”

He said in a slightly aggravated tone, causing Luna to flinch slightly. But it wasn't because he was intimidating, She just hasn't ever seen him react in such a way before. She narrowed her eyes too, standing her ground on the topic

“I said what I said, Eclipse. I don't care what the others say. What matters is what I'm saying, and what I'm saying is you'll get hurt!”

Luna seemed surprisingly frustrated in this conversation, which was unlike her normal stoic and playful attitude.

Eclipse quickly got up from the bed, his gaze staring daggers into her body as he began to rant like the child he was

“What does it matter!? Everyone gets hurt! It's our job! We practice for this! I understand that you want me to be okay…i find it nice…but..But you can't just….shield me from everything!”

Eclipse protested, also standing his ground on the topic. It wasn't long before they entered a heated argument, bickering back and forth, their voices even echoing in the hallway.

“Dude. Do you not hear yourself!? You're 10 years old, Eclipse!”

“My age doesn't matter! Skills do! That's all!”

“Why do you wanna prove yourself in the first place!? It doesn't matter! This isn't a damn game anymore, Eclipse! Anything…ANYTHING, Could be in. That. Forest! Who are you proving yourself to!?”

“I'm proving myself to you!!”

Those words alone from Eclipse echoed through the entire facility, causing other kids and teens alike to peek their head around the corner and eavesdrop on the conversation. Eclipse continued shortly after with tears pricking at the sides of his eyes, threatening to spill over.

“.....Everyone always looks down on me….and while it hurts…it never hurt more than hearing my best friend do the same…”

The words he spoke made Luna flinch, her angered expression turning soft almost immediately as she reached her hand out tentatively to lay her hand on his head once more

“Eclipse…that's….that's not what this…meant…I'm…”

She let out a slightly shaky exhale and immediately pulled The small boy into her arms, patting the back of his head gently

“I care for you…dude…but you're so stupid and stubborn sometimes… look. I won't stop you..but I can't promise I won't be there looking after you. You've done so much for yourself and for others.. I'm proud of you…okay?”

Despite his outburst, Eclipse couldn't help but crumble in her arms, crying violently at her words as he nodded between his choked sobs. He wrapped his arm around her and tightened his grip, not wanting to let go just yet. Luna leaned against them, letting out a soft sigh before chuckling to herself.

“You're such a crybaby.. Just don't get hurt out there. If you die, I'll kill you.”

Luna gently pushed them back as she snickered, causing Eclipse to follow shortly after in the laughter, snorting softly. He quickly pushed her back, only for her to grab his hand and pull him down with her. They were just there, laughing loudly as if they weren't just arguing

“I'd already be dead by then you idiot..!”

Eclipse scolded playfully as they fought each other with wide smiles on their faces. But their fun was cut short by a masked man in a red suit walking up, causing most of the kids watching to recoil in fear.

“Get up you two…it's time.”

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