Hemophobia(Pt 26)

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"These are potatoes!?"

Shouted Eclipse. He chowed down on the food on his plate, devouring every bit of it with...no table manners-. Saturn and Pluto stared at him with a look of disgust and intrigue. They were just fries, why was he so ecstatic about them?

The person who was really disgusted however was Saturn who scooted her chair back to avoid the barrage of beef bits. She took this opportunity of the boy being preoccupied to lean into Pluto's ear.

"Well, sure, he's not acting like them, but he sure as hell eats like them..-"

"Yeahhh it's gross, but...it's kind of endearing? Its like giving chicken to a baby crocodile." Pluto whispered back, his eyes slowly trailing back to Eclipse who at this point already finished his 25th plate.

The boy let out a heavy sigh, leaning his head over the table before wiping his mouth on his forearm to wipe away the residue.

"And you're telling me we can eat here anytime!? We don't have limits!?" He asked with literal stars in his eyes and a smile on his face.

Pluto looked back at Saturn who quickly responded by turning her head away. Goodie, he has to talk to Eclipse like he hasn't been the only one already. Right as he was about to confirm the boy's suspicion, two people, women, ran over to their table with wide smiles.

"Damn it-" Pluto whispered underneath his breath.

"AHHHH, IT'S YOU GUYS!!" Shouted one of the girl's who bounced up and down, twiddling their fingers with excitement.

"I loved your new album, Saturn! Its amazing!! Ughh, and Pluto, your voice was so beautiful on 'Better late than never'! And you're so cute in person.."

Eclipse was a bit startled by their random appearance, jumping from the front of the booth to the end. Who were these people, and what were they talking about? His eyes slowly locked with Pluto's face which held a look of discomfort.

"..Oh! Thank you guys...it's appreciated-" Pluto muttered under his breath while he pulled away from the girls.

"Is that anyway to treat fans, Pluto? Watch this..."

Saturn sat up, gleaming with a glittery aura as she walked over to the two with a bright smile. Everything about her screamed 'confidence', it was hard to ignore how magnetic she was.

"I'm happy you love our music and I'm sure Pluto is too! We're always grateful for fans"

Her hand went out to intertwine fingers with the two women, her smile never faltering for a bit, almost like she's done this before. Tilting her head to the right, Saturn examined the two close, watching as they practically shut down at the physical contact.

"We'll be releasing new one soon...who knows, baby it'll be about you two...endearing people?"

And just like that, she had them completely entranced. Blushes came across both of the fans faces as Saturn slid her hand off of theirs and sat back down at the table, leaving the two speechless..mostly cause the other one fainted-. Carrying her unconscious friend away, she screamed out nothing but compliments for the two before leaving.

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